
Are You In One? Signs Of A Rebound Relationship

Your relationship ends. Regardless of who initiated the breakup, you quickly miss the intimacy, familiarity, and comfort the relationship gave you.

You consider making up with your ex, but you remind yourself why you broke up with them in the first place. Perhaps a rebound is an answer.  

A rebound is a romantic relationship that quickly follows a breakup. The new relationship happens before there are emotional healing and closure from the previous relationship. 

Surprisingly, the relationship expert’s opinions are varied as to the healthiness of a rebound relationship. Some say they’re a necessary step toward a more lasting and satisfying relationship. That a rebound serves as a great distraction and strategy for getting over an ex.

Other experts feel you only need to look at the negative signs of a rebound relationship to know whether it’s healthy to be in one.

What are the Signs of a Rebound Relationship?

Sign 1: Dating Someone to Make Your Ex Jealous

After a breakup, you might feel you should be dating someone. Simply ask yourself whether you are dating someone so you can get your ex jealous. Most of the time, it strongly suggests you want to be in a rebound relationship.

Sign 2: You Get Into a Relationship no Sooner than you Broke Up

If you immediately get into a relationship after the breakup, it suggests you’re doing it to get over your past love. This can be a clear example of being in a rebound relationship.

Sign 3: You have a Bitter Disposition even with a New Partner

You experience negative moods despite being out of your past relationship and moving on with a new partner. You feel uncomfortable because you think you’re supposed to be happy with your new partner. If you feel lingering bitterness, it’s a sign of a rebound relationship.

Sign 4: Feeling the Urge to Get Casually Involved with Someone

One of the signs of a rebound relationship is getting casually involved with someone after a breakup. You’re doing it just to be happy for a period, but in reality, you’re not satisfied. In this case, don’t try to get involved with a person just for emotional or physical satisfaction. It will have a harmful impact on your psyche.

Sign 5: They don’t Want to Talk about their Ex

Any talk of exes makes them suddenly get a sad, distant look in their eyes.

Sign 6: They Talk Nonstop about their Ex

They talk about their ex all the time. Randomly, the subject of the rebounder’s ex will come up, usually with bitterness. Additionally, the rebounder may still be in regular contact with their ex via email or IM. Perhaps your rebounder is still in touch with the ex via email or IM. Your rebounder says, “We’re still friends.” The ex becomes a third partner in your relationship.

Final Thoughts

It takes mature introspection and objectivity to evaluate whether you’re in a rebound relationship. Additionally, it requires wisdom to decide to continue in one.

A rebound relationship is a weak foundation for a satisfying and lasting relationship. According to The Modern Man, 65% of the rebound relationships will fail within six months. Within six months, you can potentially end up right where you started at perhaps even worse off because you’ve experienced another breakup.  

After a relationship breakup rather than rush into another relationship, the best course of action is to give yourself an opportunity to heal, learn, and grow from the experience.

A healthy relationship involves two people who are willing and committed to working on their union. You can read about the characteristics of a healthy relationship here.

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