How to Be a Good Stepdad

Ten Tips For An Awesome Daddy Image

As dads get busier, they also become more prone to letting their physical appearance slide. If you find your wardrobe has increasingly consisted of worn sweats and you can’t remember the last decent shave you had, you may need a boost to your daddy image.

Here are ten easy ways to look and feel better in the midst of fatherhood.

1. Become more Active

Having kids brings more opportunities to get moving and active. Avoid sitting on the couch and binge-watching instead gather the kids and play baseball or football in the yard.

2. Get your Size Right

Many men, especially dads, are guilty of wearing clothing that’s not their size. Picking big clothes just makes you look sloppy and unkempt.

Get properly fitted to make sure your clothes look and feel better. If you’re one of the few who wears clothes that are too small, size up to flatter your body and improve your dad image.

3. Avoid Slim Fit Clothes

Slim fit clothes don’t work well for most bodies. If you’re a dad, they’re not the most comfortable things to wear while chasing kids around.

Unless are quite thin, avoid anything slim fit and go for classic and regular cut pieces.

4. Upgrade your Beard Care

If you’ve been keeping your beard and facial hair with a manual razor get an electric trimmer. You’ll save time and decrease stubble, which means smoother and more youthful skin.

Avoiding the blemishes that often come with traditional razor use is also a good reason to always use an electric beard trimmer if you have sensitive skin.

5. Spruce it Up

A nice watch or sophisticated pair of glasses can transform your look, whether you’re dressing for the office or to take your family out for dinner. Investing in one or two accessories doesn’t have to break the bank, and it will add flare your wardrobe.

6. Be Mindful of Logos

Nothing screams “dad that’s trying too hard” more than an outfit riddled with designer logos. Try to keep any labels and icons subtle – less truly is more in this area.

7. Don’t Forget your Head

Facial hair deserves attention, as does the crop on your head. Even if you’re a balding dad, find a look’s clean and compliments your best features.

A good barber can guide you in the right direction.

8. Take your Wife out more Often

Planning dates and getting out of the house with your other half more often means you’ll have to start investing in yourself. This could mean buying better casual clothing, shoes that can’t be worn at the gym and wearing nice cologne.

9. Find your Scent

Speaking of cologne, nothing can help a man feel better while changing diapers or chasing the kids than an awesome-smelling fragrance. Seriously, work on finding a signature cologne to wear each day that lifts your mood.

You’ll want to look better once you’re feeling more suave.

10. Catch a Break

Easier said than done. It will help your self-image and your family if you don’t become overwhelmed or burnt out as a father or stepdad. Do something you enjoy and can accomplish alone whenever possible.

Becoming frumpy and losing yourself in the day to day grind of being a parent doesn’t only happen to mothers, dads are just as susceptible. Putting effort into being at your best in every way will make you a better father.

Just because you’ve gotten a bit older and have kids doesn’t mean you can’t still look and feel great. Follow these tips consistently to boost your confidence and dad appeal.

About the author

About the author

Cristoph Smith is a father of two. He grew up in a broken family but was blessed to have been raised by his stepdad. In 2002, he began actively participating in organizations and support groups for fathers and husbands. He’s spoken at many events and participated in gatherings.

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