
Stepfather Humor – I’m Married to You?

Jason just got out of surgery to repair residual tears from a previous hernia surgery. Jason relates this was his fifth surgery within their first six years of marriage. His wife has been by his side through all of it. In a previous surgery he suffered a severe complications and didn’t know if he would ever function the same again.  Jason’s wife is the love of his life even when he’s still groggy from anesthesia.  Watch and see why… guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. 

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  1. Gostei da intenção que o site mostra para quem é ou já foi casado
    com uma mulher que já tem filhos.
    As dicas são super interesantes e levantam a nossa alto estima.

    Google translation follows:

    I like that the website helps someone who is or will be married
    to a woman who already has children.
    The tips are super interesting and raise our self esteem.
    Thank you !

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