
Mother-In-Law’s Visit Survival Tips

The relationship between you as “my son’s wife” and your mother-in-law is something wives all over the world are dealing with. Especially if your husband’s “mummy” is a domineering woman who listens only to the sound of her own voice. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. It would be much easier if you and your spouse move out from his parents’ house and get a place of your own.

But even in this case, you will have to accept the fact, sooner or later, your mother-in-law will visit for a couple of days. And what is worse, is in most cases the main purpose of these visits would be you. Here we give you some tips, which may help you get out of some of the most common conflict situations.


Mother-in-Law Cooking

When it comes to cooking, you will always hear some inappropriate comments like “If only you had added some bay leaf. Believe me, it would be gorgeous”, “I never add onion when I cook this. I just know it’s not suitable.” or “Jack, next time you come to see me, I’ll cook something really delicious.”

We know it’s very annoying and we’re sorry for you…in advance. But the truth is your mother-in-law was cooking for her son since he was born and she will not quit without a fight.

You can offer something like “Mum, can you give me the recipe for that gorgeous cake you make. You know we both love it, but I never manage to make it as delicious as you.” With this sentence, for a few seconds you will become “the daughter she never had.” Plus the onion she mentioned before – will suddenly turn into a very successful experiment.



Mother-in-Law Cleaning​No matter what you do, no matter how many hours you have devoted on cleaning, vacuuming, and even brushing the carpet – it will never be good enough! As soon as she enters the door, she will notice the darker spot on the wall behind the fridge, which she first commented on her last visit.

Whatever…so, you will either have to accept the facts and try to keep your mouth shut; or start the conversation first and say there is nothing you can do about it, and if she can suggest some useful cleaning tricks, you will be glad to hear them. Oh, and of course, mention her new haircut. It always works 🙂

New Clothes

For the last two months, you’ve saved some money and the only thing you managed to buy is this cute, green skirt and a casual T-shirt from the last garage sale in your neighborhood. And just when your mother-in-law decides to drop by, you made the mistake to put them on.

Unfortunately, you realized this was a mistake at the moment she said something like “Oh, some people have gone shopping. Again! Well who am I to judge, since you can obviously afford it.”

In order to avoid such an embarrassing discussion, you can try to buy her something, and they say “Oh, mum, a few days ago I saw this and I couldn’t resist buying it for you. And by the way, the sale was monstrous.”

Of course, this will immediately arouse the suspicion you have also bought something for yourself. So, when your mother-in-law asks, you will definitely have to answer negatively. “No, I have enough clothes. But  you know Jack, he needed something new, so we decided to see if there’s something suitable in the mall.”

Connie Jameson is blogger, writer and family lover. She works for and spends her free time blogging.

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