
Stepfather’s Memorial Day Tribute to Our Soldiers, Sailors & Airmen

This Memorial Day please take some time out from your outdoor fun and barbecues to remember the reason why we have this holiday.  Please spend some time thinking about the men and women whose bravery and devotion protect our country. 

Go out of your way to find a way to thank them.  That’s exactly what this class of third graders did. 

This is the Tussing Elementary 3rd grade class singing a sincere thank you to our brave and strong soldiers, men and women, past and current, for protecting us in times of war and peace. 

Watch the following video to hear these grateful children sing a tribute to America’s soldiers.

Having had the privilege to serve our great nation in the Air Force and having several classmates and friends who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving I was deeply touched by the sentiment expressed in this video. My hope is this video touched you in some way as well.

How do you show your gratitude to our country’s soldiers?   Do you do anything special on Memorial Day to commemorate them?  After watching the video be sure to share your comments below and feel free to pass this video on to friends and family.  Thank you.

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