Blended Family

Blended Family Poetry ~ What Makes a Family?








What Makes a Family?


Whoever came up with a “family tree”
Must have known about you and me.
Branches can break off or be removed
Or sprout out and make room for the new.

Some branches reach out for other trees close by.
Some stay close to home and watch the time fly.
Some of the branches will wilt and die.
But their roots will always continue to thrive.

The tree itself provides life and beauty.
Holding steady and strong is its only duty.
Surviving the harsh conditions of Earth.
Continuing to grow with each precious birth.

Our tree grows larger and stronger each day.
With branches to bloom in their own special way.
Whether its by marriage, adoption, or blood
Each branch in the tree represents our true love.

~ Anomymous


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Family Branches Roots







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