
Mistakes To Avoid As A Stepparent

Navigating Common Pitfalls: A Guide For New Stepparents

Stepparents can be guilty of the same mistakes a biological parent can make. However, when a stepparent makes them, it can be as painful, if not worse, with even higher stakes.

It was early November, and my wife and I traveled to Orlando, Florida. The company I worked with held a multiple-day seminar at the Walt Disney World facilities.

My two stepchildren were in junior and senior high school, and we didn’t have the finances to take them to Disney World. My biological son still wasn’t of school age, so we decided to take him with us. It was cheaper than leaving him behind and using childcare.

He and my wife would enjoy the Disney accommodations and the park during the day, and I would join them in the evenings.

My wife explained the situation to her children to soften what we knew would be a crushing blow. My stepchildren stated they accepted and understood our plans. However, the days leading up to our departure were filled with acting out and passive-aggressive behavior on the part of my stepchildren.

My stepkids’ biological father added to their wounds by stating how I didn’t view them as part of the family. This despite being a part of their lives for over seven years at that time.

Upon our return from Disney World, I resolved to make things right with my stepchildren by planning a family trip to Disney World. Sadly, the trip never happened.

In addition, to make things right with your stepchild, I feel it’s also essential to make things right with yourself first by forgiving yourself. Being at peace with yourself gives you a clear head to handle challenges you may encounter in your stepfamily life.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid as a stepparent.

Exclude your Stepkids from Family Activities

Hard as it may be, from experience, I have learned it’s always best to include both your biological kids and stepkids in any family activity. When it comes to family engagements or trips, ensure all your children partake. One of the quickest ways to fuel stepsibling rivalry is to show preferential treatment for a child or exclude another from family activities.

Overstepping Boundaries

I know it may be tempting to bond with your stepkids right away. However, it’s best to take things slow and let your stepkid stir the course of the relationship.

Being Impatient

Stepfamilies should be created slowly, with couples and children having enough time to get used to themselves as a family unit. Your stepkids may have gotten used to being with one parent and reluctantly welcome you or your kids.

Don’t Compete with the Bio Parent

Avoid competing with the bioparent; you may likely lose. Your stepkid’s bioparent may rank higher than you on their scale of preference, but that doesn’t make you less of a fantastic parent.

The blended family has its fair share of challenges. Focus on navigating your new family unit while promoting a solid relationship among your family members. Here are simple ways to connect with your stepdaughter.

If you avoid these common mistakes as a stepparent, you can have a wonderful and meaningful relationship with your stepchild. Nurturing a loving relationship with stepkids may take some time.

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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