
How To Make The Hot Summer Comfortable For Kids

While it’s great to encourage our kids to play outside all summer long, there’s nothing better than a cool and comfortable home when we need to beat the heat. Whether your kids love the outdoors or are busybodies inside, keeping them as comfortable as possible when the mercury rises is essential. 

For stepdads thinking of how to make the hot summer comfortable for kids, we’ve got some great tips from the experts!

Know When to Open Your Windows

When your house starts to get hot, your first instinct will be to open the windows. However, if you’re hoping to cool your home naturally, you may want to hold off on opening the house. 

We all love fresh air, but it can make your home even hotter if you open your windows in the middle of the day. Instead, try keeping them open throughout the evening hours. 

Also, keep in mind you can create a bit of a breeze within your home if you pay special attention to opening the windows on the cooler side of your property.

 Shade-covered windows will offer a better breeze than the side of your property facing the hot sun.

Plan Activities Accordingly

We all know planning can help keep your kids in order, but planning doesn’t have to stop simply because the little ones are out of school. To help keep the house — and yourself! — as cool as possible in the dead of summer, it’s essential to plan your day intelligently.

As we mentioned above, keeping your windows open at specific times of the day is a good idea. At the same time, there are a variety of other activities best kept to the evening hours as well. 

For example, we suggest keeping all stovetop cooking and regular dishwashing to the late evenings or early morning hours. When noon hits and the heat is at its highest, the last thing you’ll want to do is cook a big meal using your stovetop. 

Instead, use the grill outside or stick to a simple no-cook meal. If you want to take the kids outside for some summer fun, it’s also a good idea to plan around the heat. 

For any activities that will heat you or your kids, try to plan them in the evenings or late afternoons. This way, you won’t have to worry much about overheating and will know your kids are safe and comfortable.

Embrace Cool Treats!

Cooling your kids down doesn’t always have to feel like a chore. For those who need a quick, affordable, and fun way to keep their kids comfortable, don’t overlook some icy treats.

If you’re looking to keep things healthy, there are plenty of excellent homemade popsicle recipes available online. I can guarantee your kids are going to love it!

Homemade treats are the perfect way to cool everyone down quickly and sneak a much-needed extra serving of fruit into everyone’s diet!

Install Air Conditioning

If you’re still struggling to keep the kids comfortable this summer, it may be time to consider installing air conditioning in your home. When it comes to air conditioning, there are two options: central air conditioning and a window air conditioning unit.

Window AC units tend to be the cheaper alternative — at least, upfront, they’re a significantly cheaper alternative. These are a great way to cool a small section of your home, such as a bedroom or closed-off living room.

omfortable temperature. Positive happy joyful stepdad standing near his stepdaughter and pointing at the air conditioner while teaching her how to use it

As with every big purchase, I suggest you take the time to search for the best window AC unit available at your price point. After that, all that is left to do is install the unit and enjoy the cool air. It can’t get much simpler than that!

Central air, on the other hand, is a bit of a larger investment. This is the perfect way to cool down your entire house during the summer months.

While the upfront cost is significantly more, they tend to run cheaper than window units in the long run. Contact an HVAC expert you trust to help you decide whether central air suits you and your home.

Summer doesn’t have to leave you and your family feeling sluggish. You can develop a routine to keep your house cool and make a few homemade popsicles. This will help you tackle any heat wave this season may throw. 

All you have to do is remember to plan your day out according to the heat. Be careful when opening those windows, and consider installing a window AC unit if things get too hot!

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About the author

About the author

Patrick Holmes is an indoor air quality specialist at Home Air Quality Guides. His passion is to help people create cleaner, healthier, and more comforting environments inside their homes by sharing easy-to-follow expert advice. He enjoys writing in-depth articles on air purification, household cleaning tips, home maintenance advice, and more.

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