FamilyHow to Be a Good Stepdad

Tips For Stepdads Raising Stepdaughters

A father has a vital role in a daughter’s life. They raise, support, and mentor their children as they go through life. Even into adulthood, fathers offer a helping hand by listening to their daughter’s needs and offering assistance when necessary.

Thus, nothing is more rewarding than watching your daughter(s) grow into a young woman. Yet, things can be different when you become a stepfather to another daughter. Stepparents have a lot to take on, including obstacles that may make the transition difficult.

It’s crucial to gain a positive relationship with your stepdaughter and be a part of her life. As a stepparent, you’ll have to realize that your presence may be hard for her to accept. Connecting with your stepdaughter may be very strenuous no matter how hard you try. 

The good news is you’re not alone on your blended family journey. You’re not there to replace their biological father, and you shouldn’t make it a competition. Instead, you should aim to positively impact her life and become a mentor she can rely on.

Whether you are entirely new to the process or a seasoned pro, there are always ways to improve. Here are some tips for stepdads raising stepdaughters.

Give Her Time

Blended families can be a difficult transition for everyone, which means it may take some time for your stepdaughter to accept you. This can be especially true if she is a child of divorce or her biological father passed away.

It’s essential to give her some time to adjust to your place in the household. Try not to force the parental relationship to happen. Instead, let her approach you when she’s ready. 

Let your stepdaughter set the pace, and don’t take it personally if that takes a long time. Gaining a positive parental relationship is all about trust.

If that’s been breached by other important people in her life, it could take some time for her to feel comfortable around you. Be patient and understanding with the process, even if it may feel hopeless at the moment. 

Step-parenting isn’t easy, and you’re only human. It’s perfectly normal if you’re having difficulty connecting with your new stepdaughter and vice versa.

Relationships take time, so it’s essential to give yourself a break if you don’t feel like the process is going well. Instead, try to evaluate yourself during these setbacks. Are there things you could be doing to be more involved in your stepdaughter’s life?

Practice boundaries with your stepdaughter. Be respectful of her space and let her tell you when she’s ready for any form of affection.

Avoid hugging until you’ve established a positive relationship. Instead, ask her what she’s comfortable with until that trust is built.

Sometimes, a simple fist bump is appropriate while you’re still getting to know one another. Never overstep boundaries and stop immediately if she expresses discomfort. 

Be accepting of the fact that your stepdaughter may have a whole life established with both of her biological parents. You will inevitably be left out of certain things, and you need to acknowledge that.

Instead of distancing yourself from your stepdaughter, take these as opportunities to get to know her better. If you engage in family traditions with her mother, you present yourself as a positive role model. 

Partner with Her Mother

Instead of trying to dive in headfirst, have a lengthy discussion with your partner. Your stepdaughter’s biological mother will know her better than anyone else.

Ask her for advice, tips, and information that may be important for you to know. Let her take the parenting lead until you’ve established a positive relationship with your stepdaughter.

It can feel tempting to discipline your stepdaughter, especially if she disrespects you. While you should be fair, it’s best to let her mother handle intense discipline.

If it’s a situation that requires more than a simple reminder, you may have to step out of the way. This is especially important for older stepdaughters who may see you as an obstacle and invader. 

Let her mother make the rules, boundaries, and guidelines around the household. Be open to feedback at all times and let her take the lead when things go awry. If there are rules that have already been established, make sure you and your partner are on the same page.

You want to avoid a situation where you accidentally discipline your stepdaughter for a rule she doesn’t know about. If you feel that a new rule should be set in place, approach her mother first. 

Parenting can be challenging for everyone, so it’s important to be aware of each other’s emotional needs. By showing that you’re committed to your new family, you exemplify yourself as a positive role model.

Above all, make sure you set aside time to spend time with your spouse. This can also help your relationship with your stepdaughter. 

Be Patient

As mentioned before, relationships take lots of time and patience. There will be moments when your stepdaughter disrespects you. Your stepdaughter may not be impolite, but she could act aloof or distant.

This can continue for several months, even years. This could be for many reasons, especially if she’s older. Children of divorce tend to push back against stepparents particularly. 

No matter what, practice patience and be fair to your stepdaughter. Instead of immediately disciplining her for behavior that’s out of line, try to be empathetic.

If there are situations where you must discipline your stepdaughter, try gentle parenting techniques. Authoritative parenting can be ineffective for stepchildren, especially if you haven’t established a positive relationship.

When you experience disagreements with your stepdaughter, take it as an opportunity to improve. Be encouraging and praise your stepdaughter’s strengths. Take advantage of the positive moments and focus on improving yourself.

It’s okay to make mistakes, and you may disagree with your stepdaughter’s behavior. But, when it comes to stepparenting, you need to let the little things go. 

If it’s big enough to become an issue, always address your wife first. This can allow a consistent parent to handle discipline while creating positive memories with your stepdaughter.

Until you’ve developed a positive relationship with each other, embrace every little step forward. She may not show it, but your stepdaughter will appreciate your patience and flexibility. By being a role model of maturity, she will be more open to returning the favor.

Spend Time With Her

If you want to develop a positive relationship with your stepdaughter, you need to show that you care. Be involved with your stepdaughter’s life and get to know her interests. Always give your full attention when spending time with her.

If you go on a walk together, put your phone away and hold off on responding to messages. If you’re distracted while spending quality time with your stepdaughter, she’ll distance herself. 

Ask questions about the things she enjoys. Engage with her passions, even if it may not be something you’re interested in.

Better yet, find something that you both like to do and participate in an activity that you can do together. This can allow you to have healthy, engaging, and intuitive conversations. 

Praise your stepdaughter’s strengths and gently correct her on things she should reconsider. Show her that you value her time by being present. Understand her perspective by being empathetic and open-minded.

You won’t agree with everything she says, but it will give you both an opportunity to grow. She may even teach you something in the process. 

If you know that your stepdaughter is involved with extracurricular activities, take the initiative to be a part of those passions. Take her to activities and attend events related to her interests.

For instance, attend all her sports games or music concerts. Finally, be there if she needs advice. If she would like your guidance, allow her to see your perspective. 

Have Open Conversations

You and your stepdaughter have experienced completely different lives before you married her mother. Thus, you will inevitably disagree with one another.

It’s okay if these can’t be resolved right away. Disputes are normal and okay to have once in a while. With that said, make sure to approach these contentions with empathy and compassion.

Instead of letting your disagreements fester, ask yourself how to learn from the situation. Are you going to get defensive whenever it’s brought up? Or, are you going to try and see it from their perspective?

How can you continue to develop the relationship despite the argument? These internal questions will allow you to have open conversations that build trust.

Have deep and open conversations with your stepdaughter. Initiative thought-provoking discussions and ask her important questions. Always be listening and show her that you’re interested in the topics she’s bringing up.

Have complete eye contact, engage with certain subjects, and bring up previous conversations. This will show her that you’ve been listening and care about her point of view. 

Be flexible to moments that make you feel isolated from your blended family. For example, discussions about your spouse’s late husband may leave you feeling left out. But, take this as an opportunity to learn more about their life before your arrival.

You may also have to accept that your stepdaughter doesn’t appreciate your input. Even so, celebrate the little victories and moments of growth. As long as you show that you care, that’s all that matters. 

Partner with their Biological Father

To maintain a healthy relationship with your stepdaughter, you need to partner with her biological father. Like her mother, he likely knows more about her than you do.

Never make it a competition and take the initiative to talk with her biological father. You’re not there to replace your stepdaughter’s biological father, but you are there to be a positive role model.

Your stepdaughter’s father could be a valuable resource as you figure out your parenting style. It may be helpful to collaborate with both of her biological parents.

They may have good advice that you can use in the future. Hear their feedback and see if they have any concerns about your parenting approach. Take the feedback graciously and apply it to your stepparenting goals. 

Approach her biological father to see his perspective. If he lives far away, take the initiative to make a phone call. Otherwise, set up a meeting with her biological father to introduce yourself and/or talk about parenting.

Assure him that you would like to work with him in raising his daughter. Discuss your goals as a stepfather and the vision you see for your stepdaughter. 

Ask her biological father important questions relating to your stepdaughter. You may be surprised to realize that his advice could improve your relationship. Plus, it will help you sustain a positive relationship with her biological father.

Above all, never treat it as a competition. Your stepdaughter will respect you for welcoming her biological father into your life. Partnering with her birth father can give you a chance to adjust your parenting style, take feedback, and bond with your stepdaughter. 

Be a Father to Your Stepdaughter

Despite how it may feel, you’re never alone. Many stepfathers are going through the same things, which can be challenging.

Being a stepfather to a stepdaughter is not a linear journey. Even so, the rewards that come with raising your stepdaughter into young adulthood greatly outweigh the obstacles along the way.

If you ever feel stuck, remember to follow a few simple steps. Be patient, be engaged, and have open conversations. Partner with your stepdaughter’s biological parents and be willing to take feedback.

Be ready for tough conversations, but remember to take care of yourself at the same time. You may not have a perfect relationship with your stepdaughter. It may even take you years to build up a positive relationship. Even so, we’re all human.

Celebrate the little victories, even if that means having a good conversation. Sometimes, you need to remind your stepdaughter that you’re there for support. Remember to take one day at a time, breathe, and know that it’s all going to be okay

About the author

About the author

Gerardo Campbell is a Nebraska native who now calls Silicon Valley, California home. In 1995, Gerardo married his wife Roberta aka the Pretty Lady, and became the stepdad to her two children. In 2011, he started the website Support for Stepfathers in an effort to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the United States. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them worldwide. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter @support4stepdad and on Facebook at

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