
Thank You From Support For Stepdads – Nov 2021

We have amazing news to share with you! Support for Stepdads has ranked #7 on They’ve recently ranked the 50 best parenting blogs, and our website made the top 10.

This is a very exciting opportunity for us to continue helping others and make a difference in the lives of stepdads and blended families.

Even so, we want to keep making our way up that list. To continue improving, we want to hear your feedback. We also want to keep you involved as much as possible. At Support for Stepdads, we want to decrease the rate of divorce in the U.S.

It’s thanks to you our site is one of the best parenting blogs on the internet. Thank you from Support for Stepdads for your readership, support, and insight.

What Would You Like Us to Talk About?

Nothing is more essential than the feedback of our readers. Although we’ve discussed many important topics already, we know there is plenty more. As the world changes and the idea of the family looks different every year, representation is important. 

Has COVID impacted your family in specific ways? Are you struggling to connect with your partner or stepchild? Are there general tips that we’ve missed?

We’d love to hear from you and make sure your concerns are addressed. We invite you to submit suggestions for future articles. You can do this in any of the comments sections featured on our website. 

Get Connected With Us!

We want to make sure your voice is heard. Being a part of a blended family can be a memorable experience, but it can also make you feel alone.

Whether you’ve been struggling with your mental health or need to connect with someone who’s going through similar experiences, it’s important to reach out. 

Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, or Instagram. You can also download our app to access our site from anywhere! You’ll find more information, resources, and tools for blended families. Social media is a great way to connect with the Support for Stepdads community. 

We Want to Hear From You!

Have an idea for an article? We’d love to hear from you! Participate in our community by submitting a proofread piece of writing to our editorial team. Before submitting your writing, there are a few steps you need to take:

  1. Check for plagiarism and proofread your work
  2. The piece must be a minimum of 500 words
  3. Include a featured header and royalty-free image
  4. Provide a 2-3 sentence summary author biography and headshot

For more detailed information about the application process, click here. Please send your topic ideas to

From all of us at Support for Stepdads, thank you!

With Deep Appreciation


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