
What My Cats Have Reminded Me About Family Life

I grew up a dog lover and have owned several dogs over the years. My favorite was an adorable Cocker Spaniel named Agatha. I never really cared for cats – a little too aloof and independent for my likes.

Yet for nearly seven years, I was the owner of two tabbies, a brother and sister – one gray and one ginger. Since adopting them, I’ve found them fascinating and exotic animals to watch and engage with. And yes, I love my tabbies.

Things my Cats have Reminded me about Family Life

Forgiveness. Cats have short memories and don’t hold grudges. I’ve seen my tabbies get in some ugly hissing, growling, and pawing brawls, yet in a few minutes later, they’re cuddled together in their bed. If only we could learn to forgive so quickly.

In humans, chronic anger has been linked to a decline in lung function. A forgiving nature helps to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. People who also forgive tend to have higher self-esteem.

Practicing forgiveness helps us more than the offending person. Forgiveness is a life skill we want to model for our children to practice in their own lives.

Communication. Cats are skilled communicators. They speak to other cats and us in three different ways.

Unless you’ve been living in Bikini Bottom (Home of Sponge Bob Squarepants), we’re all familiar with meowing but did you know it’s almost exclusively reserved for humans?

Newborn kittens will meow to communicate needs to their mother.

To make sure they get our attention, especially when they need something, cats will meow at the same frequency as a baby’s crying. Now, how’s that for getting our attention?

Cats also use their body language and scent glands to communicate with each other. And of course, we can’t forget purring. It’s generally understood purring reflects a cat’s contentment.

Purring doesn’t just benefit your cat. Purring has been shown to uplift your mood while at the same time lowering your blood pressure. Having a cat can actually be good for heart health and overall wellness.

Cats remind me of the importance of good, clear communication. Communication includes both verbal and non-verbal messages.

Rest. Cats listen to their bodies. They don’t push themselves beyond what they’re physically capable of. They get plenty of rest to face the day’s challenges. Why would it be different for us?

As a nation, we are getting less and less sleep. A recent Gallup poll found we average just 6.8 hours a night, less than the doctor-recommended 7 to 9 hours.

One of the biggest reasons behind this decline in sleep is the high technology that allows us to work and play 24/7. This decline has had negative effects on our health.

There’s evidence we can benefit from catnaps, too.

A study involving about 24,000 people shows regular nappers are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than people who only nap occasionally.

You’ll have more patience and energy to deal with a troublesome toddler when you’re well-rested.

Thoughtful. If your cat (especially if they’re female) ventures outdoors, they’re probably showering you with gifts of dead birds or mice. It’s estimated cats kill billions of small animals every year in just the United States.

This doesn’t make cats evil killers. They’re just doing what comes naturally, i.e., following their instincts. In the wild, mother cats teach their young how to eat their food by bringing home dead or injured prey.

Domestic cats are no different. But in this modern age of spayed domestic cats, many female felines have no young to whom they need to pass on their hunting wisdom.

By leaving us a dead bird or mouse, your cat acts its natural role as a mother and teacher. As a cat owner, we’re her surrogate family. She knows we don’t have the skills to catch that yummy bird or scrumptious mouse on our own.

Giving our children an occasional gift is a good idea. It lets them know you’re thinking of them. Just make sure you’re doing it from thoughtfulness and not buying your child’s affection or your own forgiveness for not being there in your child’s life.

Flexibility. Cats have this way of holding a paw in the air ever so long as if deciding what their next move should be. Cats remind me to be flexible, and our most firm plans can change at a moment’s notice, especially if you have children.

Bengal cat is playing and has a paw up in the air

Affectionate. I thought cats were aloof and unemotional – I was wrong. Cats show us affection using a combination of body language, postures, and vocalizations. It’s important to understand not all of these demonstrations of love are in the way we would express them to our family members. Some of these demos include:

  • Tummy Flashing. Showing you their belly indicating they trust and are comfortable around you. You have my permission to try this in your living room.

fluffy cat with grey fur, resting on her back and showing her belly

  • Head Bunting. While you probably wouldn’t want to bunt heads with your significant other or child, cats are depositing their facial pheromones when they do it – their way of claiming us as their own.
  • Cat Bites. Cats originated the love bite. When your cat playfully nibbles on you, it just another way to show they like you. While your teenager probably won’t appreciate or want a love bite, your significant other might, but that’s a subject for another article. 😀 

Just remember, like some of us humans, cats are quirky and finicky creatures. Like people who are different from us, it’s important to invest time and energy to increase your understanding of their behavior and bring peace and harmony to your relationship.

Do you have pets that remind you about family life?  Please share them in the Comments.

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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