
Important Facts To Know About Depression

We all experience bouts of sadness from time to time. However, depression is different from feelings of sadness.

It’s a mental health disorder characterized by excessive sadness and loss of interest in daily activities. Unfortunately, this illness can lead to suicide if left untreated.

The secret to overcoming depression is early detection and proper treatment.

Here are some important facts to know about depression.

What are the Warning Signs of Depression?

Depression has several underlying signs hidden behind smiles and pretense until the sufferer succumbs to this illness. Everyone should know about depression and also, the warning signs. It could save a loved one.

Suicidal Thoughts

Many people who experience severe depression feel like giving up the fight. It’s not surprising for depression to cause suicidal thoughts, especially without proper diagnosis, treatment, and professional help.

Lack of Motivation

People who lack the motivation to do essential things could also be experiencing a bout of depression. They’re overwhelmed by sadness. Depression can cause a change in their sleep pattern, appetite, and energy levels.

Withdrawal from Public

Another important fact to know about depression is social withdrawal. People with depression tend to stay away from the public. Also, they avoid social gatherings and relationships with other people.

If you know anyone staying away from the public and avoiding social gatherings, you should reach out to check on them. Make sure they’re okay.

Low Self Esteem

One of the signs of depression is low self-esteem. Many people who have low self-esteem tend to stay away from the public and rarely live up to their potentials. 

Low self-esteem can be a result of childhood trauma or societal pressure.

Mood Swings

Sufferers of depression also exhibit excessive mood swings. They’re unpredictable and challenging to deal with.

However, a professional therapist who understands why they react in certain ways can help them overcome this mental illness.

Types of Depression

The most common types of depression diagnosed among patients are:

  • Clinical depression,
  • Bipolar disorder, and
  • Persistent depressive disorder.

Causes of Depression

Psychiatrists and experts in related medical fields have identified a long list of triggers that can cause depression in people. The common causes of depression are as follows;


When people cannot cope with stress, they could fall into an unending spiral leading to depression.

Social Pressure

The inability to meet up to societal standards could cause depression among teens and adults. The social pressure we’re experiencing has caused many problems in the lives of people vulnerable to depression.

Traumatic Experience

People, who have traumatic experiences without therapy or treatment, can experience depression.  The loss of a job or a loved one can also trigger depression in many people.

Postnatal Stress

Postnatal stress is a significant cause of depression among women. This underlying cause of depression can go unnoticed. Similarly, post-traumatic stress can also lead to depression.

What is the Solution to Depression?

Cases of depression are usually handled based on individual symptoms. One of the best approaches to help patients with depression is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Here are examples of how CBT can be used in treatment:

Therapists who offer CBT carefully interact with the patient to understand what their triggers are. The therapist also leverages experience to help their clients overcome depression.

Successful CBT usually lowers the chances of relapse among patients who have beat depression.

Finally, it’s essential to identify the causes of depression and learn ways to avoid those triggers. People struggling with depression can overcome their mental health challenges with the help of a therapist and their families.

Now you know these facts about depression, you can help a depressed loved one. No matter how hard they try to pull themselves up to get out, they can’t. In fact, when every bit of energy is expended to pull themselves up to look over the edge, they slide back down. Here’s how you can help someone you care about.

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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  1. Unfortunately, idealism and perfectionism are other prevalent causes of depression as people especially young people, influenced by social media, are not flexible enough to accept the fact that no one is perfect. they are demanding a flawless life while forgetting the bitter fact that an ideal life imposes its sacrifices.

    1. Hi Grace
      Thank you for sharing your insights on additional causes of depression. Can a person have a perfect life? Significantly when circumstances can impact it outside of our control – Covid-19, job loss, etc.?

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