
How To Promote Mental Wellness In Your Child

Nearly five million children in the U.S have a serious type of mental problem. Furthermore, 70 percent of these children don’t receive proper medical intervention early enough.

Research shows children with one or more mental related health issues are at a higher risk of failing to integrate into society or performing poorly in school. Children with a mental health condition are also more likely to engage in substance abuse.

Several risk factors can lead to mental health issues in young children, including exposure to violence, trauma, instability, and poverty. Also, parents getting a divorce or going through depression can adversely affect a child.

Parents must foster mental wellness in their children at a young age.

Make your Child feel Accepted

An excellent way to promote mental wellness is to make your child feel loved and accepted. Spending quality time with your child will undoubtedly help their mental health.

This can be vital to self-identification and gaining trust in people as well as themselves. Make it a priority to build a good parent-child relationship with your child.

It may be hard to find time if you have a busy schedule. However, be involved in their activities as much as possible.

Maintaining a close relationship with your child makes it easier to identify any mental problem quickly. If this happens, you should seek the help of a mental health professional immediately.

Hugging your child daily and telling them how much you love them can also improve their mental health. Nothing boosts a child’s self-esteem like a parent’s love.

Provide a Positive Home Environment

Stability offers some measure of security for children. Kids from a stable, loving environment are more receptive to learning in school and controlling their feelings or behavior.

Create a secure and healthy home for your child to enable them to thrive mentally and socially.

Teach your Child Social Skills and Problem-Solving Techniques

Important social skills like listening, asking for help or permission and showing empathy are good ways to help your child’s mental development. More so, such activities will make it easier for your child to participate in social activities.

Let your child have some space to grow and make mistakes. Developing problem-solving techniques is essential to a child’s learning capacity and an exciting way to stay mentally active.

You can try some ”do it yourself ” projects or read problem-solving stories with your young one to teach them this skill.

Set Good Behavior

Children are great copycats. So, it’s likely your child will pick up some of your habits.

Practice good habits as your child will be watching you. If you want your child to be responsible or clean up after themselves, this means you also have to act this way too.

You are your child’s best teacher, it’s up to you to be a good role model.

Educate them on Mental Wellness

Mental health and wellness is an integral part of our overall health. So, parents should equip themselves with the right resources on mental well-being.

In turn, educate your child about mental illnesses. This way, children who may suffer from mental related illness will not be ashamed to seek help early enough.

Praise your Child

Celebrate big and small victories with them. You can be their biggest cheerleader when they need one.

Parents can foster the growth of mental wellness in their children by acknowledging their achievements and celebrating it with them. Recognizing your child’s effort will boost their self-esteem and resilience.

When they have setbacks, you should also encourage them as well. A mentally stable child will bounce back in no time after facing a challenge.

Finally, always to be available for your child – be supportive and understanding. Talk to your child as often as possible, and if you notice any behavioral changes, seek the help of a mental health professional as soon as possible.

About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor for Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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  1. This is really a wonderful site. My husband and I got married 15 years ago and each had 3 children. What a blessing this site would have been. A blended family brings lots of ups and downs. Thank you for this!

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