
Four Cooking Tools For Single Dads

Sometimes, having the right tools in your kitchen can make the task of cooking a little easier. You may even find you can become a better cook when it comes to preparing meals for your kids.

Here are four cooking tools for single dads you’ll find useful in the kitchen.

Slice with Ease

There are a variety of slicing implements that make preparing food an easier task. With some of these tools, you can have your kids in the kitchen helping to prepare the meals.

This is because the slicing action occurs in a controlled and contained fashion so you don’t have to worry about your kids cutting themselves with a knife. One such tool is a serrated butter knife that has holes slightly back from the blade portion to make it easier to get the perfect portion of butter for your food.

Cookware Is a Must

The right type of cookware is a must because higher quality cookware helps with more even heating. Try out a saucepan like the Brooklyn copper saucepan so you can see the difference for yourself.

With lower quality cookware, you may find you have to overcook your food to make sure all of the food in the pan is thoroughly cooked. This can lead to your meals not tasting the way you intended.

Use Fun Molds

Having fun in the kitchen is just as important as preparing the best quality food. Your kids are more likely to enjoy their meals if you try creative things when it comes to serving them.

Use fun shaped molds so you can generate a little more interest at the dinner table. Some of these molds are silicone based so it’s easier to remove the food after cooking.

Pourable Bowl Set

Part of cooking is sometimes making a mess. You don’t want to spend the rest of the evening having to clean up after yourself because you aren’t using the right set of prep bowls.

Invest in a set that has an easy pourable option. This will make it less messy and could encourage your kids to come into the kitchen to help you out.

There are hundreds of kitchen gadgets designed to help you become a great cook. Additionally, your kids need a great cook at home.

It’s better than eating out all of the time, and also great for everyone’s diet too. Select which ones will benefit you the most and use them often to cook your meals for your kids.

Another thing to remember is cooking should be a communal experience for the whole family. You can even get them involved in the cooking as well, and it can be a great bonding experience with them.

Hopefully, as a single dad that is the most important thing you get out of it; the time spent bonding with your kids.

About the author

About the author

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball. Twitter: @LizzieWeakley Facebook:

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