
Getting Your Yard Ready For Spring

Winter always tends to drag on forever, but Spring isn’t that far away, especially for those of you living in southern climates. Once the snow melts and you’re brave enough to venture outside and see the damage, we aren’t always pleased with the state Winter has left our yard in.

Because we want you to feel good about your yard, we’ve partnered with The Yard Butler, professionals in weed control and landscape design, to bring this list of tips to help you get your yard ready for spring.

  1. Remove Debris

If you’ve any trees in your yard, it’s likely you’ve acquired some less than desirable lawn accessories that need to be cleared away. Pick up or rake any fallen branches, leaves and other debris the winter has gifted your yard.

  1. Re-Seed

Snow, ice and frost don’t create great environments for grass to grow in over the winter months. And often enough, our lawns leave the winter with dead patches or thinning greenery.

Once it’s warm enough, take the time to reseed your lawn. Make sure the dirt is loose enough that the seeds can sink down into the soil, and water it often.

  1. Tool Check

Check all of your garden tools for any repairs that might need to be done, or for any replacements that you’ll need or want to make. The last thing you want going into the gardening season and finding out you don’t have the proper tools to get the job done.

Make a list for yourself and check you have everything you need once the warm weather hits.

  1. Pruning

If you have trees or shrubbery in your yard, now is the time to start getting some pruning done. Cut down dead, rotting or diseased branches to keep your yard and plants healthy and looking beautiful as Spring arrives.

  1. Attract Birds

Certain birds are great for eating and clearing out pesky bugs that only eat your precious garden. Add a bird bath and bird feeders to your yard to attract the birds and keep the bugs at bay.

While you’re waiting for Spring, now is the best time to take on some fun craft projects like building bird houses and bird feeders.

  1. Mow the Lawn

Once it starts to get warm enough, mow your lawn frequently. Two and a half to three and a half inches is a great height to keep healthy grass at.

Once it gets above this, mow it! Mowing your lawn high and often helps a thicker turf to grow in.

A thicker turf makes it tougher for pesky weeds to make their home in your lawn. This will create a more beautiful and healthy lawn for you and your family to enjoy all summer long.

  1. Add Color

It might not be late enough yet to plant some blooming tulips or daffodils for that bright pop of color you want in your yard. That doesn’t mean you can’t add color now.

Find some cute lawn accessories to add the color you want. For example, a bright orange chair or bench, painted rocks, tile pathways, whatever your heart desires.

About the author

About the author

Kaili is the Content Lead at Manwaring Web Solutions, a web design company in Idaho Falls. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, with an emphasis in News and Journalism. Before her current job, she worked as a freelance writer and copy editor.

What are your plans for this Spring? Although the standard to-do list usually includes shopping, preparing your garden for planting and maybe packing your luggage for a short vacation with your family. There’s an additional task that can’t be overlooked: cleaning house. Welcome Spring with your home clean and ready for you to enjoy the other parts of Spring.

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