
How to Help Your Child Learn to Read

Teaching your child is an essential and crucial part of raising a child. Being your child’s first teacher, parents have significant influence and are an inseparable part of a toddler’s learning curve.

When it comes to learning it’s important to treat each child as an individual.

Parents must understand their child may have a preferred and effective learning style. The various learning styles are visual, physical, aural, verbal, logical, social and solitary.

In reality, children probably fall into each category, depending on the learning that’s taking place. However, some topics lend themselves better to certain styles.

A combination of multiple styles helps to solidify the learning taking place. So instead of getting worried, why certain methods don’t work on your child when it succeeds with your friend’s kid, you should focus on trying different styles to help your child learn.

You can start with bedtime story-telling at the very early stages of child’s life, subsequently followed by other activities. These all, help you realize your child’s skills or if they have special needs. 

Here’s an infographic to keep you from agonizing about your child’s learning challenges and reading without losing heart.

How to Help Your Child Learn to Read
How to Help Your Child Learn to Read by Wooden Toy Shop

In a world where children are forced to grow up before their time, playtime is often disregarded. Playtime is seen as less important than homework and extracurricular activities.

As a direct result, the benefit of being able to freely play is often overlooked and dismissed which can have a negative impact of the development of a child. Playtime and learning shouldn’t be in competition with each other.

In fact, they go hand in hand to help children achieve their full potential. Learn a few of the benefits gained from playtime.

Copyright: stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo

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