From Stepdad to Stepdaughter

Stepfather Poetry ~ To My Stepdaughter On Her Wedding Day

To My Stepdaughter on Her Wedding Day


Hey, little girl! What do you think you’re doing?

You think you can go off and get married

Without some words of wisdom from your old man?

Well, I’ve got something important to say

So, listen up, do you hear me, young lady?


Always let your light shine, and keep your dreams alive

You’re off to be two together with a wonderful young man

But remember always that you are still one,

One unique and amazing young woman

So smart and beautiful, I’m just so proud.


Fatherly advice here is but a cover, I know you know what to do

You’re loving, passionate, driven, and self-aware

I know you’ll persevere and that you’ll succeed

Just don’t go and forget old papa bear here

I’m always good for a hug, a talk, and a chocolate chip cookie.


There I go, remembering when you were such a little one

I may not have been the one to welcome you to the world

But I am so blessed to be able to call you my daughter

I’m honored to be a dad to you, proud of your strength and maturity

As you go on your way, don’t ever stay away too long.


And that’s the “pearl of wisdom” I really had to say

Congratulations on your joyous wedding day and new life path.


~ Gerardo Campbell

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