Single Dad

Single Dad Poetry ~ Live, Love, Laugh – It’s Your Birthday Bash

You’ve been patient, waiting for a sign

You work so long, trying hard all the time

Our one and only parent, you won’t let us fall down

A single dad, your love keeps our family closely bound


You fight the sometimes raging tides

You strive to keep the doors open wide

Give us the opportunities in which to thrive

And keep us whole, healthy, happy and alive


You wake from dreaming to make

Our dreams come true for our sake

Your love and devotion are the reasons

We’ve grown strong through changing seasons


You wait for the sign that tells you you’ve won

Succeeded, achieved it, a father and mother in one

But we want you to settle down and look around you

You’re already perfect, a father with a loving heart so true


So today on your birthday we won’t back down, won’t let you stall

It’s time to celebrate your creation and the amazement you created in us all

It’s time to relax and it’s time to play, time for you to simply live, love, and laugh

We love and respect you, we’re thankful for you, so come along, dad, let’s have a birthday bash


~ Gerardo Campbell

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