Blended Family

Blended Family Poetry ~ Blended Recipe

Blended Recipe


I have a little recipe

You might like to try

It usually turns out pretty neat

Here’s what you need to buy:


A pound of acceptance

A cup of patience too

An ounce of flexibility

Then here’s what you need to do:


Put them in the blender

With a pinch of love and care

Mix it really gently

And then you’re nearly there:


Let it prove and rise

In a place so warm and kind

Then bake it in a gentle heat

And be surprised at what you’ll find:


A happy blended family

Who respect each other’s space

And who can share great things together

But not be on each other’s case


If you take your time to get it right

Itโ€™s a very rewarding treat!

You don’t need to be the perfect cooks

To make great things to eat!


~ Gerardo Campbell


Find more great blended family poems here.

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