Honoring Stepdad

Stepdad Poetry ~ To The Dad You Didn’t Have To Be

To The Dad You Didn’t Have To Be

Among well-define roads and bright, open gates
You chose to take an unlit path on the edge
In the world of plentiful possibility
You went the way of unassured prosperity

Among the billions of potential soul mates
You chose the lady who came in a package
In the life of freedom, choice and liberty
You tied yourself to our broken family tree

Among all men, the only to answer our hopes and long waits
You saw family bonds instead of seeing bondage
In this family of loss and need aplenty
You patched the hole with care and sensitivity

A man of character: honor and respect your traits
You gave Mom your vow and gave me your pledge
In this home you have become a father to me
You chose to be the dad you didn’t have to be

To the dad you didn’t have to be
You’re now my dad for eternity.

~ Gerardo Campbell


Did you know there is song written by country western singer, Brad Paisley, titled, “He Didn’t Have to Be” ? A touching song that will pull some heart strings if you let it.

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