Father's Day

Five Stepdad Quotes ~ Father’s Day

Five unique stepdad quotes perfect for Father’s Day.

What makes you different from my bio dad is we have different skin color and a different last name!  I´m very proud of you. I love you, and I want to wish the best man on earth the happiest Father´s Day!

Happy Father´s Day to all the stepdads of the world that chose to take on the role birth fathers refused to assume.

Happy Father´s Day to my adored hubby!  A big thank you for partnering with me through the hard and joyful experience of raising our kids. It´s certainly not biology that makes a man a father; you are the best dad my kids could ever have. Thanks for loving them as if they were yours. In fact, they are yours not by blood but from the heart!

I never thought having a stepdad would be so wonderful! I found in you the dad I didn´t have. You saw in me what my bio dad didn´t see. You believed in me. Thanks to your confidence and love we are the best family in the world. Happy Father´s Day!

A stepdad can be much more than a dad – you showed me that! You are my teacher and my trusted advisor. Usually, kids don´t choose to love their fathers, but kids can decide to accept or reject their stepdads. I pick you as my dad always! Happy Father´s Day!

Find more stepdad Father’s Day quotes in the Archive for Stepdad Father’s Day Quotes.

Did you know you can buy a great gift for your stepdad from Amazon?  We’ve consolidated all of the gifts any stepdad would love – electronics, car accessories, clothes, etc.  Click here to get your stepdad a Father’s Day gift today.

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