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Tips For Traveling With A Baby

Our very good friends moved to Italy a couple of years ago, and we were desperate to see them. They invited us to visit but my son had just turned two.

My husband and I weren’t sure if we could deal with a transatlantic flight with our sanity intact since we hadn’t even gone on a road trip with our baby but somehow we managed.

Weeks before the flight we began listing the things we should bring with us for our baby. No matter how hard you try, you always end up forgetting something. Now as veteran baby travelers, here are a few tips on what to pay close attention to when going on a trip with your youngest one.

Food and Drinks

I realize it’s obvious, but it’s still good to mention. 🙂 When you know you’ll be traveling for an extended period; you should always pack yourself a little lunch box along with some refreshments.

Even if it’s a short trip, you should make sure their baby bottle is full. You should also bring a spare one, just in case.

Pack some healthy snacks and enough water for everyone; it’s better to bring extra supplies than not having enough if your car breaks down on some low-trafficked road.

Baby Accessories

Remember to pack up small things like wet wipes, creams and dippers. No matter how long the trip will take, you’re going to need these things, and it’s important to find the brands you usually use.

While you’re on the road is the worst time to try out new baby products for fear it may cause some ill-timed allergic reactions, so stick with the products you already know.

It’s also important to have a little bag where you can pack some medicine for motion sickness and something for your child’s allergies. Bring a thermometer, antipyretics, probiotics and oral re-hydration solutions for the children just in case.

Since you’ll probably be walking around a lot, consider bringing a travel-friendly baby stroller/pushchair. The most practical ones are lightweight and foldable strollers, making them easy to pack when they’re not in use.

Your child will travel in practical style and safety on the Fascol 4-in-1 folding tricycle. It comes with an awning that protects your child from the sun and light rain.  For safety, it comes with a harness to keep your child securely on the tricycle in addition to a guardrail.  To allow for easy carrying the tricycle folds upon itself.

                                 Mom and Son on the 4-in-1 Tricycle

Some of the strollers have a car seat that can be installed on stroller frame like some of the Bugaboo strollers. This is great since you don’t have to carry both car seat and stroller. Sometimes you’ll only be able to carry your baby, and you won’t be able to push your baby around.

If you want to take a morning walk with your baby or just step outside the house for some fresh air, then you should have a baby carrier.

So you can free your hands, the smartest thing you can do is pack up a baby carrier or for space saving: baby caring scarf. Not only will you be able to function freely, your little one will be much more comfortable.

The fact infants love to be carried on your chest and toddlers love to be carried on the back says it all.

Babywearing is known to create a stronger bond between you and your baby, make your baby feel happy, and even free your hands to perform other meaningful tasks.

If you are a bit strapped for cash, you will want to get yourself an inexpensive baby carrier.

Baby Clothes

It might seem hard to decide what kind of clothes to put on your baby, especially if you are going on a longer trip, where the temperatures might vary from lower to higher and vice-versa.

In that case, it’s extremely important to put them in a lot of layers. It will be easier for you to remove some of them later if the baby feels hot than to try to completely change their clothes, because no matter how you travel – by a car, train, bus or a plane, you will not have enough space for it. So pack a couple of thin blouses or t-shirts instead one thick sweater.


Sometimes your baby is going to cry for no apparent reason. He or she will not be hungry, nor will you need to change their diapers – they will simply be bored.

Other passengers will understand babies cry, and they can put up with your child for some time, but you will have to bring some entertainment with you to amuse the little one.

It could be their favorite toy or a bedtime story you like to read to them, just make sure it’s something that will get their attention.

Travel Documents

Finally, after packing up the essential things for your youngest one, don’t forget your traveling papers. It might seem silly, but after concentrating so hard on packing for the baby, people tend to forget things they cannot travel without like passports, their IDs, important medical records or a wallet, what might cause them a lot of troubles and completely ruin their trip.

So don’t spend the first couple of years after the baby is born glued to your house and hometown. It can be a bit stressful to travel with a small child, but if you pack up the essential things, the trip will a beautiful and nearly stress-free experience.

About the author

About the author

Melissa Stevens
is a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle enthusiast. She’s interested in practical solutions, simpler and more convenient lifestyles, and she likes sharing them with others. Mother of one cute boy, pet lover, and a long-time vegetarian. In her spare time, she’s engaged in crafting, housekeeping, organizing family life and travel.

Since your little one will be traveling in an approved car seat for several years in the future, you will need to have plenty of tips and tricks up your sleeve to make sure they are comfortable and happy in the car. For some great car traveling tips check out Traveling Tips with Your New Baby On Board.

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