Single Dad Poetry ~ The Almighty and Powerful Single Dad

The Almighty and Powerful Single Dad
To the man who should be king
Your accolades we would sing
Your leadership so exemplary
Where others would be too wary
You loved and lost and learned
Had to let go, refuse to be turned
Taught your young that although the heart breaks
Love’s alive, and life’s worth is what love makes
Challenges you dare to look in the face
For the motherless, you fill her place
You brave parenthood alone
Guide your children through the unknown
Stronger through time your soul grows
Honorable and devoted, your character glows
A role model to every human undergoing trials
You fill your young’s world with laughter and smiles
Grateful and inspired we pay tribute to
The best single dad in the world – you.
~ Gerardo Campbell
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A beautiful ode to the single father Gerardo, love the poem! I’d love to read any additional poems you have up on the blog. Thanks for the inspirational poem!:)
Thanks Karleia for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem.
Thank you for the poem. As a single father myself its great full to see that others understand the struggles it can be.
You’re welcome Daniel. Regardless of gender being a single parent is a tough yet rewarding role. I’m happy you found the poem a source of encouragement.