Father's Day

Stepdad Quotes (5) ~ Father’s Day

 Five Father’s Day quotes from Leah.

Father's Day

“A stepfather is someone who protects you. He shows you how to be loving and strong. He teaches you how to get along with your mom. He shows you how to admit when you’re wrong. He does all these things and more because he’s always there. Happy Father’s Day! I’m glad you care!”


“How many Father’s Days have we celebrated together? How many birthdays and holidays? How many good days and bad days? How many laughs have we shared? Enough to know even though you’re technically my stepfather, you’ll always be a real father to me.”


“To my stepdad, thank you for your courage, humility and patience. I look forward to our newfound relationship. Happy Father’s Day!”


“I know being my stepdad was quite a journey for you. I hope you’ve enjoyed it just as much as I’ve enjoyed becoming your son. Happy Father’s Day!”


“Father’s Day is a special day because I can spend it honoring two great men. I’m thankful to have two fathers who never made me feel like I had to choose between them. I’m thankful to have two families who both made me feel like I belong.”


“Just in case you were wondering, there’s no such thing as a “Stepfather’s Day”. Father’s Day was made for all dads, not just biological dads. Now that you know the facts, Happy Father’s Day!”

Find more stepdad quotes in the Archive of Stepdad Quotes.



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