FeaturedStepmom Poetry

Stepmom Poetry ~ I Treasure My Stepmother

A poem from a stepdaughter to her stepmom.


I Treasure My Stepmother


People come and then they go

That’s how it goes, I know

But you showed me an exception to the rule

My stepmom, you’re a rare, exquisite jewel


You came into my life when I was low

Surprised me when love was all you’d show

I wanted to fight it, wanted to duel

I tried so hard to find any bit of fuel


Treasure ~ Stepmom and stepdaughter 

Yet you always reap what you sow

You drew me into your loving flow

You harvested my frozen earth with your gentle pull

And from my hardened heart, love answered the lull


You showed me there’s always more than I know

More hope, more love, more room in which to grow

I can only hope and strive to be just as phenomenal

My stepmom, thank you. I love you. You’re exceptional.


~ Gerardo Campbell


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