Stepdad Birthday

Stepfather Poetry ~ The Light that Shines on Your Birthday

The Light that Shines on Your Birthday 

For every second of your life

Thankfulness fills my being

You made my mother your wife

Loved our family in a way so freeing


You made possible the belief

In unblooded bonds still familial

Your strength helped ease my grief

Your kindness and devotion influential

 Stepdad celebrating birthday

Today, your heavenly house hosts the sun

As it did when you took breath that first day

You came into my house and you were the one

Who shone light on me and showed me a new way


Just one second of your life I’d have been lucky to share

Having you always in my life makes me so grateful and glad

That pure joy and realized dreams are yours this year is my prayer

With all sincerity, love, and appreciation, Happy Birthday to my stepdad

 ~ Gerardo Campbell

Find more stepdads birthday poems in the Archive/Stepdad Birthday.

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