
Military Move Tips: Helping Stepkids Adjust

Being a military kid is never easy. Being a military stepchild can even be a little harder. Stepchildren often feel they do not quite fit in the new family setting. There may always be a little resentment or fear. This is especially true if they must leave the area where their other natural parent is located.

Military Move

This does not mean it is the end of the world. Parents do not have to fear their child or stepchild is going to hate the military life because of the frequent moves. In fact, parents can “gear the kids up” for this type of lifestyle by making it an adventure.

You can start with letting your child help you with your home search. For instance, if you are being moved to Fort Belvoir in Virginia, let your child help you search for homes for rent or sale in Alexandria, VA.

They can begin to get familiar with the city before the move even happens. Once the move occurs, here are some great ways to help your child make moving an adventure.

Helping You Child Adjust To Another Military Move

Of course, there are all the conventional ways you can use to help your stepchild adjust. You can give them the pep talks, send them to counseling, or even allow them to sulk about until they become accustomed to the new area. But none of these will be as effective as making it an adventure.

Military move

When your move is complete, why not create a checklist of things you must do and can enjoy as a family in the area? This way you work together as a family unit, and you get to make the move interesting. Some of the things you can include on the checklist are:

Find the Perfect Restaurant

Avoid the big chains and experiment with local cuisine. Make it a quest to find your child’s favorite place to eat in the area.

• Visit Local Landmarks

This can help your child become familiar with the new city they are living in now. Many bases are located in historical cities, like Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Alexandria, Va, home to the base, is filled with historical homes, museums and other landmarks.

Military move

• Frequent the Parks

Parks always provide a place to relax and to have fun. The fresh air is good for everyone, and it gives your child a chance to meet other people their age.

• Go Shopping

Sometimes a little retail therapy can make everyone feel better about a move.

• Look for Clubs and Sports Teams

Depending on what your child likes, there will be different clubs in the area they can join to meet people and get involved in their interests.

Military move

• Get a Library Card

While this may seem so old – in the Internet Age, the local library offers more than just books. Many have free and fun children’s programs. It is a safe place to make new friends.

• Explore the Base


Take your step child to your base and explore your new work station with them. By including them in this process of your readjustment to new surroundings, they do not feel they are the only ones experiencing the frustration of a move.

The most important thing you can do, however, is to place their needs first during the process. Have patience with their frustration and anger with the move. Encourage them to be involved in the process and not a bystander. Allow them to make some decisions that will impact them in a positive way. All of these things will help with the transition.

Military move

Moving to a new city can be scary, a fact writer and military brat Melanie Fleury is well aware of. Whether you are looking for Homes for sale in Alexandria, VA and Fort Belvoir, or moving across the world to another country, letting your children be involved in the search will help your children to adjust and will transform a seemingly scary time into a memory to last a lifetime.

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