Stepdad Dying/Passed Away

Stepdad Poetry ~ Your Love Lives on Through Us

Your Love Lives On Through Us

When you were here with us
we knew there would be a man
who we could come to talk to
who would reach out a hand

And though you didn’t have to
your choice was standing there with us
you made ongoing choices
to be someone in whom we’d trust

our stepfather who came to be
as much a dad as we could want
you knew the words we needed to know
you might tease us, but would never taunt

Your strength and your protection
of us and our lives as we grew
made a deep lasting impact
you’d always be with us, we knew

And even though you have gone on
to give your love in the world beyond
Our memories are very fond
We still, today, feel this strong bond

For you imparted into us
the very best that you could give
As a result your strength and love
live in this world, each day that we live

~ Jonathan Kraft


Love Lives On

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