Single Mom

Single Mom Poetry ~ Both Mom and Dad








Mom, what can I really say?

You were both mom and dad

You worked hard every day

Sometimes at night too.

With two jobs,

 you did what you had to do.

 Single Mom

Raising me alone wasn’t easy

 I know

But you handled it with grace

 and so

I’m giving you this thank you

You deserve so much more

I’m giving you what

I know you’ve been waiting for


Although Dad missed my games

I wondered why and where.

Whenever I looked up

you were sitting out there

You made sure my homework

 was always done.

And the meals you cooked

 were second to none


When I’d missed my dad

Used to close my eyes and cry

You’d hold me  close

 told me to hold my head high,

 told me why I was special, 

why I was a joy to you

Again, you did what you had to do


I never lacked anything

And it makes my heart glad

That although you’re a great mom,

You were also  a great dad.


~ Asheagold

Single Mom


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