Honoring Stepdad

Stepfather Poetry ~ A Man I Love








“There is a man I love, and I respect him very much.
I love his voice, his character; I love his kiss and touch.
He’s brave and good, he’s faithful, he is sweet and he is kind.
He is the sort of man I’m always proud to stand behind.

He wasn’t always there; there was another man before.
But then one day he said good bye; it shook me to the core.
I thought that I was ruined, that the kids would have no dad.
Our lives were rough, unstable, and finances were bad.

But then one day, I met you, and our world was turned around.
I felt like hope had come again, and all I’d lost was found.
We talked, we laughed, we fought, we loved. You asked if I’d say “Yes.”
I squealed and grinned, “With all my heart,” and then I bought a dress.

Blended Family Wedding

Now looking back on all the years since we were “Man and Wife,”
I know how very blessed I am to have you in my life.
You’ve kept us feeling loved and safe; you’ve kept us warm and fed.
You’ve paid the children’s schooling and you’ve tucked them into bed.
You’ve made me feel as though I was a treasure and a prize,
And when I look at you I see the love that’s in your eyes.
I just want you to know this, if you know nothing else at all:
That when I see you standing there, so fine and brave and tall,
Each worry that is in my heart, each care shown on my face
Is smoothed away by knowing you are there for me, always.”

~ Ozarkmaid


Blended Family Wedding


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