Blended Family

Blended Family Poem ~ There Is No If

Our families are blending, changing, but what if…?

What if we fear to bond with step-father, -mother, -sister or -brother?

What if we cannot let go of what once was?

What if our future brings pain like it always does?

There is always fear of “what if…?”


If we could have but a glimpse, a taste, a whiff

Of this scary unclear future together

Like a flower just beyond reach promising beauty of coming day

If we could just hold it in hand, we would know all will be okay

There would be no if

ย Beautiful Blossom

What if we cannot heal this rift?

Then we’ll reach deep to support one another

Because from something once broken

Something beautiful begins to open

There is no if


There is no if

We will come to know and love one another

We will laugh and we will cry; we will help and we will heal

Our flowering family we will hold; my hand in yours you will feel

There is no if

~ Stiles Expressions

Famly Looking in Flowering Park

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