Miscellaneous Stepdad Poems

Stepfather Poetry ~ Father Christmas is My Stepdad

Father Christmas is My Stepdad


Santa brings around the presents

to all of the children everywhere.

Itโ€™s the Christmas tradition,

an every year affair.


Santaโ€™s gifts are plentiful,

the message is clear for us.

Be caring and kind and attentive,

and especially generous.


Father Christmas is a father

whoโ€™s known for generosity.

And this kind of care and attention

is what youโ€™ve given to me.


You may not always have know it

or known what gift you were giving.

But your gift to me has always been present

simply through your daily living.


ย Seasons Greetings


Merry Christmas to my step dad.

I donโ€™t know how you seem to know

the things that I have needed to hear,

the things that have helped me to grow.


But through my few short years of life

youโ€™ve been someone for me,

who has shown the meaning of Christmas,

because of whom youโ€™ve helped me to be.


Thank-you and Merry Christmas!

~ Jonathan Kraft


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