Single Mom

Single Mom Poetry ~ Salute to the Single Mom

The closest I’ve come to knowing what it’s like to be a single parent is when the Pretty Lady (Roberta) returned to school in the early 2000’s.   For almost two years, I did most of Nathaniel’s child rearing while Roberta attended classes, study groups and worked on projects and papers.  Nathaniel was a toddler then.  It seems like a dream now – Nathaniel is now 13 years old.  I remember the pressures of the increased responsibilities and schedule demands.  I remember Nathaniel’s stubbornness and my corresponding lack of patience with his potty training.  I also remember resentment rearing its ugly head a few times when I felt I had no life of my own.  Thankfully, I got through that.  I’m also thankful I don’t really know what it’s like to be completely on my own with Nathaniel.  The following poem is a tribute to single Moms and your commitment as a single parent.

Salute to the Single Mom


I cannot tell you how much you inspire all those around you with your fighting heart.

We watched, when he had died, to see what you would do.  One little child, not three, and still another on the way.

You cried your tears; you wept, but then you smiled. You dried your eyes; You threw your shoulders back.

You said, “There’s still a life for me to live.” Your little ones, they needed you.

And yes, you needed them. They helped you to remember why you lived.

You got a job, you worked until your bones ached for a rest.  And then you worked some more.

When you came home, each night when work was done, too tired to do anything but sleep,

Single Mom with Children

You still found strength, deep in your mother’s heart, to give a smile to each small, trusting face,

And kiss the the roses on their tiny cheeks.  They were your all, your joy; they were your life.

What did it matter if your body ached?  Or if your face grew old before its time?

You still had them; you gave your youth and strength to keep them safe, and happy, warm and fed.

And now, when they have grown, and you are old, they lean no longer on your strength, but you Must lean on theirs.

And they are glad; they love you with all of a child’s love.

Each wrinkle on your face, and each gray hair, shouts to them of your selfless sacrifice.

They see, and they remember, all the years you fought alone to give to them the life You wanted them to have.

They see, so does the world, and we salute the Single Mom.

~ Ozarkmaid

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