Great Husband Tips

How to Be a Great Husband ~ Making Your Wife Feel Loved











The Button Not to Push

An angry wife to her husband on the phone: Where the hell are you? 

Husband: Darling, you remember the jewelery shop where we saw the diamond necklace you totally fell in love with?  I didn’t have money then and said,” Baby, it’ll be yours one day?”

Wife (Smiling and blushing): Yes, I remember that honey.

Husband: I’m in the bar next to the shop.


Pushing the Right Button

Would your wife say you make her feel loved?  Do you know what buttons to push to make her feel loved?  Although not intentionally, over the years I’ve become skilled at pushing The Pretty Lady’s buttons.  I’m able to get her to go from zero to raging in under 15 seconds. 
Most of us know how to push our wives buttons to make them angry, but we ignore or are oblivious to the buttons that make them feel loved?  Do you really love your wife?  “Of course, I do!” you say.  I agree, you do love your wife but are your actions showing your love to your wife?  Maybe or maybe not.  Most of us love our wives but only in our heads – we do not show our love. 
I felt because I was there for her and her children she knew I loved her. For a woman, it is very important to know she is loved, especially after she’s married.  As she matures, a woman may feel insecure about her physical appearance and may to start to question whether we still love and value them the same way as we did years before. 
As a husband, unless we communicate in our wife’s love language her insecurities may grow and your relationship will suffer.  Here’s the first of a series of tips to make your wife feel loved.

Make Time for Your Wife

Spending Time with the Wife

If you’re like me, you can get so self-absorbed in your work you don’t have time for your wife.  “Not having time” is just an excuse.  I don’t know about you, but when I really want to I can make the time.  If you are a loving and caring husband, ask yourself if you have seriously tried to find time for your wife? 

Be honest.  Yes, work is important and the pace of life can get hectic but with a little bit of planning I know we can make time for our wives.  Your wife will love it if you make the effort and take her out for a night on the town or just spending the time with her in the way that makes her feel loved. 


Know Your Wife Physical Needs

Heart with Wife's and Husband's Hand

 I don’t have to tell you this is important. Get to know what she really likes.  Take the time to talk with her to find out.  If you’re wife is shy, give her some time to open up and for you to fully understand them.  You wouldn’t feel good knowing she isn’t loving it just as much as you are!  Also respect her wishes and don’t force something upon her she’s uncomfortable with.



Don’t be guilty of taking your wife and marriage for granted.  Like anything we value we have to be intentional about making your wife feel loved.  Take time to learn her love language and begin loving her in the language that speaks to her heart.



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