Honoring Stepdad

Stepfather Poetry ~ Stepfather Really Means








โ€œSโ€ is for SOLIDLY STRONG no matter the strife.

โ€œTโ€ is for TRIED and TRUE, he never did flee.

โ€œEโ€ is for EVER PRESENT stability in my life.

โ€œPโ€ is for PROUD of himself and PROUD of me.

โ€œFโ€ is for FATHER FIGURE, which will always amaze.

โ€œAโ€ is for ALWAYS ASSURING me that I can soar.

โ€œTโ€ is for TEACHER of knowledge and ways.

โ€œHโ€ is for HERO of my HEART evermore.

โ€œEโ€ is for EVERYTHING a dad should be.

โ€œRโ€ is for RARE ROLE MODEL, like him I want to be.


~ Gerardo Campbell

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