Stepdad Wedding

Stepfather Poetry ~ Make My Special Day More Special


Stepfather Giving Away Bride



Make My Special Day More Special


I remember when you stepped into my life

Made me your daughter and my mom your wife

Oh, daddy, won’t you say you’re here to stay?

I was afraid you would eventually depart

Yet you took it easy and inevitably won my heart.


Times were changing, so many choices to make

You told me I had the strength to choose the path to take

Oh, daddy, won’t you show me the way?

You always gave me good advice, helped me to see with open eyes

Even gave me the water to blossom into a woman who is wise


I’m stepping onto a new path I’ll create with another

I have a question to ask of you, my stepfather

Oh, daddy, won’t you give me away?

You became my dear father, a leader and a guide

It’d be an honor to walk down the aisle with you at my side


You joined my family and made it grow

So don’t be sad to see me go

Oh, daddy, don’t you know how special is this day?

Now I’m doing the same for you as you did for me, expanding our family

You’ll have my husband as son, my kids your grand, and you’ll always have me.


~ Gerardo Campbell


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