Stepdad Wedding

Stepfather Poetry ~ For My Stepfather


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A poem from a bride to her stepdad as her wedding day approaches.




For My Stepfather





As my wedding day approaches
I’d like for you to know
when I think back upon my life
I know you’ve helped me so.

For you’ve been just like a father
and a good friend too,
you were always there for me
to share your point of view.

Prince William, Kate Middleton and her stepfather, Michael Middleton

I want to thank you so much
for the times you’ve shared with me
and all the precious memories
since you joined our family.

A handkerchief I’ve chosen,
as a gift for you,
keep this with you just in case
you shed a tear or two.

All little girls need fathers,
a friend is needed too,
I found the very best of these
when I found them both in you.

Thank you for being a wonderful Stepfather

© Copyright 2004 New Beginnings. All Rights Reserved


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