Miscellaneous Stepdad Poems

Stepfather Poetry ~ Will You Take Me Fishing?

Please enjoy another contribution from Lilly Babineau, “Will You Take Me Fishing?”

Stepdad & Daughter Fishing

When daddy left, I was sad

I knew not what to do

Mommy would go to sleep upset

Praying for someone new


I’d sit alone on my bedroom floor

Dreaming about the times

My daddy would play catch with me

And sing me nursery rhymes


Then you came along,

And mom didn’t cry anymore

You seemed to really love her

And me you seemed to adore


You helped me with my shoelaces

Taught me how to tie them tight

And just like my daddy did before

You sang to me at night


Soon we were all smiling

And no longer needed wishing

For you, new daddy, I have one question,

Will you take me fishing?

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