Stepdad Dying/Passed Away

Stepfather Poetry ~ Step-father (loved soul food)

 Step father Poetry


Sweet potato pies, cornbread, collard greens, porkchops, and black eyed peas were the things he used to cook back in the day.

Telling me stories about his fast life would become so interesting that I would sit all night and listen to what he had to say.

Even when I was dog tired; I still took heed.

Pops was his name and parenting was his game, because he not only saw me as his seed, but he saw the best in me.

Frankly, no one can take his place, so other men need to cease.

Acting as if they can take his shine, brother(s) please!

Time has passed and I am still hurt by his passing.

Hence, even though his presence is absent; his soul is everlasting.

Even though the cancer took his life, it did not take his soul or my memories of a man who loved me as his own.

Rest in peace, Mr. Kelly, you are finally home…

by Poetess
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