
Stepdaughter’s Tribute to her Stepmom


Carrie Fisher & Elizabeth Taylor
Stepdaughter Carrie Fisher & Stepmom Elizabeth Taylor


Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia of Star Wars fame, was born to celebrity superstar couple Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.  While Carrie was a toddler her father deserted the family for Elizabeth Taylor.  Prior to the Eddie’s desertion Elizabeth and Debbie were great friends.  Until Elizabeth Taylor’s recent passing all three women — Taylor, Reynolds and Fisher — were united in hatred of him.  Carrie believes her father had an undiagnosed bipolar disorder and said “The best thing Elizabeth Taylor did for me was getting Eddie Fisher out of our house”.

Carrie Fisher is one of several Hollywood actress to offer kind words about Elizabeth Taylor who passed away last month.  In a statement, Fisher, Taylor’s one-time stepdaughter said:

“A woman who rarely did things in half measure.   Elizabeth lived her life to the fullest, whether by loving to the fullest or while also giving us some of the most memorable performances ever on film.  A devoted mother many times over and even very briefly a stepmother to my brother Todd and myself, loyal to the lifelong friends surrounding her — even with all this she found time to become one of the earliest champions for those living with HIV.”

The statement continues:

“If my father had to divorce my mother for anyone — I’m so grateful that it was Elizabeth. This was a remarkable woman who led her life to the fullest rather than complacently following one around.  She will be missed but never forgotten.”

Quite the tribute considering the inauspicious circumstances of how they became a blended family.   It’s good to hear there was healing and forgiveness on Carrie’s part as well as from her mother Debbie as well.  In her autobiography Carrie said a point she lived by was ” resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die.”

I’ll end with the two quotes the first from Martin Luther King, Jr. and the second from Henry W. Longfellow

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive.  He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us.  When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” – Martin Luther King

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each person’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility” – Henry W. Longfellow

Is there someone you need to forgive today???


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