Write For Support For Stepdads

Your unique and well-written posts are welcomed on Support for Stepfathers. However, submitted posts must be related to the following topics:
- Stepfathering,
- Stepparenting,
- Blended Families, and
- General Parenting, Relationship, and Family topics.
Submitted posts must:
1) It must be 100% original, unique, and high-quality content. Each article will be reviewed and run through a plagiarism application.
2) Links from Support for Stepdads are by default “nofollow.” Authors must request a link to be followed. We charge a fee to make do-follow links.
Payments for followed links must be made via PayPal. Links in the post must be natural and to high-quality, authoritative sites.
If used, have “anchor text” links closely related to the content of the destination page (the page where the anchor text link points to). Also, the target page must be related to the overall theme of Support for Stepdads.
Irrelevant linked pages to Support for Stepdads will disqualify your article from publication. Exclude affiliate links.
3) If I find an appropriate place in your article to link to other content within Support for Stepdads, I’ll do that. For example, if your post is about celebrity stepdads and I have a particular article about Matt Damon, I’ll create a link to the Matt Damon article.
4) Be at least 500 words.
5) Include a featured header image and article images. There needs to be a relevant article image per 200-300 words. A 500-word post must have at least one related image. You must have the copyright to use those images. The following are links to free image sources: Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, and Flickr.
6) Provide a two to three-sentence author autobiography and headshot. Authors must provide a first and last name unless they’re Sting, Cher, Pink, or Prince.
7) Provide a Meta description (post description) of up to 150 characters (approximately 23-25 words), which includes your keyword. The key phrase is the words you want your article to be found in the search engines. The Meta description is what Google posts about your article in Google search results. Here’s an example from the post “Five Affordable Valentine’s Day Date Night Ideas.”
The word count is 25. The keyword is in bold green font.
8) Include content you or I would proudly show our mothers – PG13.
9) Posts can take up to 45 days before publishing. Please factor this in when you submit an article. Publishing priority will be given to articles about step-fathering, step-parenting, and blended/stepfamilies.
10) Upon publishing, guest posts become the exclusive property of Support for Stepdads. As requested, we will always credit you as the author and source of the post with your name and links to your blog, Twitter, etc. If your article is published on the blog, it becomes ours to reproduce elsewhere. We also reserve the right to edit, revise, or not post as we see fit.
11) Articles related to the following topics will not be accepted for publishing: Pornography, Article/Essay writing services, Gambling, Gambling-related, Psychic, Occult-related, Marijuana, Cannabis, and THC-related content. This also includes blog posts with external links to these types of sites. CBD-related articles and external links are acceptable.
12) Please send your Microsoft Word formatted article to editor@supportforstepdads.com with Guest Post in the subject. Thank you.
Via: blogpros.com
Hi, there,
My name is Emma. I am a passionate writer, teacher and a mother to two spirited boys.
I am writing to you because your audience is my audience, as well. Many of my published articles are about kids’ activities, tips and advice for new moms and about care for the newborns.
I’d be delighted to appear as a guest writer on your site and I wouldn’t forget your kindness if you say yes to my offer. In addition, you’ll have the backing of my readers and I’ll promote the article on all social networks.
So, what do you think of our collaboration? Let me know.
Emma Lawson
Hello Emma
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Support for Stepdads. We always welcome quality articles. I’m attaching a guide we provide to frequent contributors to give you an idea what kind of articles we’re looking for each month. Also, provided articles must meet this criteria. We look forward to seeing your submission.
Progress not perfection
Howdy Support for Stepdads,
I found Support for Stepdads on Google and have scanned through the site. I noticed that its niche is the same as my interest and got hooked on your recent article, Home » Husband » Great Husband Tips » Top Tips For Maintaining The Romance In Your Relationship Top Tips For Maintaining The Romance In Your Relationship.
I am wondering if I can submit an article for a guest post contribution that will surely fit your site.
Am hoping for a positive response from you.
Hi Phillip
Thank you for your interest in publishing on S4S. Yes, we accept guest posts. In preparing your submission please follow this guidance. I look forward to reading your article.
Hi! I read the comments. I’d like to contribute the articles as well and would appreciate if you provide a guide. I’m a freelance writer on how tech affects kids and how parents can handle it.
I’ a father of 3 and that’s my biggest everyday job.
Thanks for the guide.
Hi Jerome
Thank you for your interest in contributing to S4S. As a father of 3, I sure you have a lot of wisdom you can share with us. The guide is basically on the page you were on https://supportforstepdads.com/write. You can email me at info@supportforstepdads.com if you have additional questions. We look forward to reading your submission.
Service Before Self
I just wanted to reach out because I’ve really been enjoying your writing on your website blog.
Well, I am Viki, a passionate blogger currently working as a content and marketing strategist for the smiletutors.sg
I’m reaching out because I had some ideas I think your website audience would positively love, and I was wondering if you’d be open to a guest blog post.
I’d like to submit a well-researched article for your blog about the newest data surrounding the benefits of prescheduling your work day.
Here I have a suggestion of some topics that I would like to write on for the website: –
How teacher workload has been reduced by focusing on quality
5 Things Not To Say To Your Child
5 Reasons Why Helicopter Parenting Is A Bad Idea
Tips to raise your child to be a problem solver
Would you be interested in forming a relationship in this regard?
Warm Regards,
Hello Viki
Thank you for reaching out. We welcome guest authors. In preparing your submission you’ll need to follow this guidance, https://supportforstepdads.com/write. Let’s go with this topic, “Tips to Raise your Child to be a Problem Solver.” We look forward to reading your submission.
I am Jane, Working as a Blogger for “Aquaholic Gifts Pte. Ltd.”, specialized in offering high quality corporate gifts in Singapore.
We have a team of writers with expertise in writing article related to business. I was hoping to discuss the possibility to contribute on your website.
I would like to create high-quality content for your website at no cost to you. All I would ask in return is a single link in the (very brief) About the Author section at the end of the article. I will also provide High-quality images with each article as well.
Please revert with your valuable response. So, that I can send you some title suggestions.
Thanks & Regards,
Jane Douglas
Aquaholic Gifts Pte. Ltd.
Hi Jane
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Support for Stepdads. Please send us three to four proposed article suggestions for our consideration. Your eventual article submission will need to follow this guidance. We allow for free no-followed links.
As a stepfather for the past 27 years and a couples therapist and coach, I would like to contribute a few guest posts about what it takes to have a great remarriage and to be a great stepdad. I believe the best gift I gave my stepchildren (all 4 of them) has been my deep love for their mother. I recently uploaded a digital course about success in remarriage, based on research proven guidelines and of course a lot of professional and personal experience.
Yehuda Ayalon MA
Psychologist, Couples Therapist and Coach
Hi Yehuda
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Support for Stepdads. Your love for your stepchildren’s mom is the best gift you could give them. Your proposal to contribute is welcomed. In preparing your submissions please follow this guidance. Thank you again for reaching out.
Hi Mr. Campbell,
My name is Sharilee Swaity, and I am the author of “Second Marriages: An Insider’s Guide to Hope, Healing & Love.” I also run a website called “Happily Ever After Again,” on the topic of marriage, remarriage and stepfamily life. I would be delighted to write a guest post for your blog.
Thanks so much,
Sharilee Swaity
Hi Sharilee
Thank you so much for reaching out. I visited your website and I think it’s a great idea. A guest post from you would be welcomed. In preparing your submission please read and understand this guidance. We look forward to reading your submission.
Dear Team & editors of supportforstepdads.com ,
This is Rajneesh and I am writing this email regarding the Guest Post Opportunity.
So let us know did you accept the guest post article on your blog or not. If yes then just revert back to us so I can share few ideas with you which increase your target niche & traffic on the website.
If you already doing Paid Guest Posting then please let us know your price with Do Follow backlink for the same.
Waiting for your response.
Thank You
Best Regards
Rajneesh Pandey
Hi Rajneesh
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Support for Stepdads. Yes, we accept guest posts. Please send your ideas to us at info@supportforstepdads.com and editor@supportforstepdads.com. Post submissions must follow these guidelines. Prices for paid guest posting will be sent in a separate email.
Delsey here. I’m a huge fan of your blog and I recently read your blog post “Important Tips For Teaching Your Kids To Floss” which was fantastic.
I know you’re busy, so I’ll be quick. I’m reaching out because I have an article idea and I think your audience who are seeking for parenting related information would love. Currently, I am planning to write on the following article concepts:
– Kids Traveling Ideas / Traveling with Kids 101
– Kids Wardrobe Ideas for this Summer / Kids Clothing Trends
– Parenting Lifehacks During Quarantine
Thanks for your time and consideration! I can’t wait to hear back from you.
Delsey Barter
Hi Delsey
I’m happy to read your fan of the blog and your feedback on the blog post. Also, I’m excited to read of your interest in contributing to the blog. I’m interested in your second idea regarding kid’s wardrobe ideas. In preparing your submission please follow these guidelines. When completed please submit your article to my editor at editor@supportforstepdads.com. We look forward to reading your submission.
With Appreciation