Safe at Home: Six Tips To Keep Your Children That Way

Keeping your kids safe is probably one of your top priorities. As a parent, there are many dangers to be worried about. Fortunately, there are six tips you can implement in your house to keep your kids safe.
Going Outside
One of the best safety tips to put into action is to have a rule about kids and leaving the house. Make it a family rule that kids always have to tell you if they are going outside or leaving the house for any reason.
It can be dangerous for kids to go outside if you don’t know they are out there. Once you know, you can check on them frequently or go with them. While discussing this rule, go ahead and tell them not to answer the door without you present.
Fire and Emergency Plans
As a family, sit down and create a plan for what to do in case of a fire or other emergency in which everyone needs to get out of the house quickly. Make sure everyone knows several different ways to get out of the house in case some exits are blocked.
You can even post these safety routes throughout your house. Make sure you decide on a safe meeting place for all family members to meet once they are out of the house. You can even practice these safety drills.
Computer Rules
The Internet is dangerous. Your kids need rules in place to make sure they are safe online. Post Internet rules besides the family computer to remind your kids never to give out their real names or address online. They should run pictures by you before they post them.
Hiding Grown-Up Items
Depending on the hobbies of your family, there can be many different items that need to lock away from young ones. Whether you are the owner of guns, paintball guns, or fishing hooks, you should have a built-in safety vault to tuck these gems away in and out of sight. Then you will never have to worry about a little one finding them and what could happen.
Kitchen Concerns
Your kids probably get hungry and want to make their own snacks. Decide which appliances and utensils your kids can use and hang a list of those items on your refrigerator. If your kids aren’t old enough to use the stove or sharp knives, make sure they know this. A kitchen disaster only takes a minute to happen.
First Aid
A final tip to implement in your home regarding kids’ safety is to get the whole family together to take a basic course in first aid. You and your kids can learn ways to stay safe and learn what to do if an injury occurs.
You should also think about having emergency contact numbers and information in a general location. Talk it over with your children beforehand so they understand what to do in an emergency and who to call.
Also, make sure to have a first aid kit in a convenient location, whether that is in or out of the reach of your children, and make sure they are aware of the general location. This will come in handy if your children are alone or with a babysitter who is less familiar with your home and the setup.
There are some simple tips you can use to keep your kids safe. Just having open and honest communication about your expectations can help in this endeavor. Make sure they are aware of what they are allowed to do and why.
Let them know why common activities or items in the house can be dangerous and how. If you take the time to teach your children and have learning experiences with them, they will be more likely to understand and realize what they should leave alone. These simple ideas can save you and your child a lot of pain and possibly a life.
Brionna Kennedy is native to the Pacific Northwest, growing up in Washington, then moving down to Oregon for college. She enjoys writing on fashion and business, but any subject will do.
She also loves to learn about new topics. When she isn’t writing, she lives for the outdoors. Oregon is the perfect setting to indulge her love of kayaking, rock climbing and hiking.
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I appreciate the writer’s efforts to reflect safety concerns in one article. I am also a mother of two. As a mother, whenever I go to work the security of my children while I’m away sometimes leaves me stressed. However, the awesome tips to teach the children about save the life by facing the challenges is great.
Thank you Clara for your comment.