
International Day Of Families – Friday Humor

The International Day of Families is celebrated annually on May 15th. It is a day designated by the United Nations (UN) to promote the importance of families and highlight the social, economic, and demographic changes that affect families worldwide.

Each year, the UN chooses a theme for the International Day of Families to focus on specific aspects of family life and their challenges. The themes often address issues such as gender equality, work-family balance, fathers’ role, and migration’s impact on families. The team for 2023 was – Demographic Trends and Families.

The International Day of Families is globally celebrated through workshops, conferences, and discussions, promoting dialogue and supporting family policies. It also serves as a platform to celebrate the strengths and diversity of different family structures worldwide.

History of the International Day of Families

The International Day of Families was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to raise awareness about families’ importance and promote their well-being. The UN recognized that families are the basic units of society and play a crucial role in social development.

The origins of the International Day of Families can be traced back to the International Year of the Family, which was observed in 1994. During that year, the UN focused on family-related issues, highlighting their significance in addressing social, economic, and demographic challenges.

In December 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 15th of each year as the International Day of Families. This date was chosen to coincide with the International Year of the Family and to promote understanding and awareness of family issues across the globe.

Since then, the International Day of Families has been celebrated annually on May 15th. The day provides an opportunity to recognize the diversity of family structures, address challenges faced by families, and advocate for the well-being and rights of all family members.

It serves as an occasion for governments, organizations, and communities to promote family-oriented policies, initiatives, and activities. Each year, the UN selects a theme for the International Day of Families to focus on specific aspects of family life.

These themes have included topics such as “Families and Climate Action,” “Families and Inclusive Societies,” “Families and Sustainable Development,” and “Families and New Technologies.”

Through the International Day of Families, the UN aims to raise awareness about the crucial role of families in society, highlight the challenges they face, and promote policies and actions that support their well-being and resilience.

1. What’s the difference between a musician and a pizza?
One can feed a family.

2. Ten of my Family Members are Non-Binary
It doesn’t matter to me, though; I love them both.

3. You know what they say about family – blood is thicker than water.
But maple syrup is thicker than blood, so technically, pancakes are more important than family.

4. What keeps members of a dysfunctional family together?
Crazy Glue.

5. As a family, we couldn’t decide whether to have Grandma buried or cremated, so we let her live.

6. How is your password like an emotional family court judge? They’re both case-sensitive.

7. Every morning at breakfast for the past year six months, I announce loudly to my family that I’m going for a jog, and then I don’t.

 It’s my longest-running joke of the year.

8. I brought my girlfriend home to meet my family.

They criticized everything she did, mocked her heritage, and gave her a psychiatric disorder.

I shouldn’t have insisted on the royal treatment.

9. I was late for a family dinner because I was attending an important call


10. Gambling brought my family closer together.
We had to buy a smaller house.

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. – George Santayana

Here are some budget-friendly activities to enjoy with your family.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.


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