
National Coffee Day ~ Friday Humor

The smell of freshly brewed coffee is almost irresistible to many. National Coffee Day is celebrated on September 29th, and two days later, International Coffee Day is celebrated on October 1st.

History of Coffee

Evidence suggests that the first coffee drink was in Yemen in the 15th century by monks from the Sufi monastery in Mokha. Afterward, traders transported the seed to Ethiopia so that people there might grow and farm coffee beans.

Coffee traveled from Venice to Europe in 1615, when its bitter taste led people to label it “Satan’s drink.” The first coffee shop opened in Venice in 1645 after the beverage won the Pope’s endorsement.

James Folger was one of the first individuals to market coffee in the 19th century successfully. When Americans rebelled against the British tea tax and switched from tea to coffee as their favored beverage in 1773, it gained popularity in North America. The beverage also crossed the ocean to Canada, where the first establishment, a coffee house, debuted in Toronto in 1801.

People started to become intrigued by the idea of gourmet coffee in the 1960s, and Starbucks was established in 1971. The coffee industry is now estimated to be worth $63 billion, or $45 billion in the United States and $18 billion in Canada.

The availability of independent coffee shops, where coffee enthusiasts can sample the newest tastes and roasts from around the world, and the variety of coffee brewing methods all increase with the popularity of fine coffee.

The ideal cup of coffee, in the opinion of expert tasters known as cuppers, depends on its body, acidity, fragrance, and flavor. The coffee bean, the roast, and the brew play a role in this.


The National Coffee Association established National Coffee Day. The National Coffee Association’s social media accounts include the earliest records of the celebration, which date back to September 2013. However, some sources assert that the holiday stretches back to 2005.

In addition to being a day for coffee enthusiasts to indulge in their favorite beverage, National Coffee Day strives to support locally owned coffee shops around the nation. Additionally, it helps struggling coffee growers earn a living wage by promoting specialty coffee they produce worldwide. Enjoy some jokes and puns on coffee.

1. My 12-year-old son tried coffee for the first time today

“It tastes like dirt!”

 I told him it was just ground this morning.

2. I stopped at a coffee shop in Glasgow.

When I approached the barista, I ordered a latte with oat milk.

Stunned and confused, the barista tells me, “we cannae make a latte withoat milk.”

3. It’s an astronaut’s first day on the ISS, and he’s making himself a cup of coffee. He says to a colleague:

“Huh, I can’t find the milk.”

 And the other astronaut replies:

 “In space, no one can, here, use cream.”

4. What do you call a sad coffee?

A depresso.

5. I was on the phone with my wife and said, “I’m almost home, honey. Please put the coffee maker on.” After a twenty-second pause, I asked, “You still there, sweetheart?” She replied, “Yeah…”

“But I don’t think the coffee maker wants to talk right now!”

6. When I was a kid, I goofed around with my dad’s coffee maker before he got done cleaning it.

I managed to get myself grounded.

7. Coffee is like a river.

If the flow is interrupted, we’ve got a dam problem.

8. Why is it smart to ask your coffee mug for advice?

Because it always has a handle on everything.

9. A man died after falling into a vat of coffee.

His wife told reporters at least he didn’t suffer – it was instant.

10. A grandmother was in shock when she woke up to a cup of coffee from her eight-year-old grandson. She gulped down the most bitter coffee she had ever tasted, but she downs it all because she wanted her grandson to feel like he made something his grandma loved. At the bottom of the cup, she found three little green army men.

Puzzled, she asked, “Honey, what are these toys doing in my coffee?”

The boy replied, “I’m just doing what it says on the TV, grandma

“The best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup.”

I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee. – Terri Guillemets

Click here to find out some shocking effects of coffee on the body.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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