
International Friendship Day ~ Friday Humor

On July 30th, the globe commemorates International Friendship Day, which the United Nations sponsor. It’s a day to celebrate community, friendship and how both are valued and honored in various countries. This day should not be confused with National Friendship Day, observed on February 15th in the United States.


In 1930, the creator of Hallmark Cards became the first person in the country to propose a day to honor friendship. The Greeting Card National Association endorsed this proposal.

However, people were very reluctant to mark such a day because they believed it was an attempt to create a commercialized holiday to encourage people to buy greeting cards.

The World Friendship Crusade, a group whose mission is to advance peace through friendship, proposed the notion of a global festival of friendship in 1958. This organization pushed the UN to declare July 30th as International Friendship Day for many years.

The United Nations General Assembly didn’t resolve to designate July 30th as International Friendship Day until July 27th, 2011.

How to Celebrate International Friendship Day

The UN encourages organizations to create more awareness by holding events to promote bonding. One way to participate in this celebration is to find an event in honor of International Friendship Day to attend.

You can also attend such events with friends or do something special together. We hope you enjoy this joke on two billionaire friends.

Two billionaire friends meet. After a casual conversation, one of them finally asks: So, how’s your home life?

The other answers: Couldn’t be better! I bought an elephant!

The other guy looks at him, astonished: An elephant? Have you gone mad?

The guy replies, smiling: Oh, man, let me tell you, it’s the best purchase in my life! He’s grazing on the lawn, making it nice and even. Kids love him! Always riding on his back and sliding down his trunk, he keeps them outside instead of in front of the screen all day.

My wife loves him too! He’s super strong and helps her move things around when I’m not home. And let me tell you, the best thing is: it’s kind and smart – the best pet I’ve ever had!

The other billionaire scratches his chin. ‘Yeah, that sounds… Kind of amazing, actually! How much did you pay for him?’

The guy replies: ‘A million bucks! Worth every penny. It’s a steal at this price.’

The other billionaire says: ‘Sell him to me for two million?’

‘No, what are you saying? Sell him? He’s like family!’

‘Three million!’

‘I don’t know, man… You really can’t put a price on this kind of friendship and usefulness!’

‘Alright, five million!’

‘Five million?.. Okay, man, I’ll sell him to you, but only because we’re friends.

In a few weeks, the two billionaires meet up again. The guy who bought the elephant is angry as hell. As soon as he sees the other guy, he starts yelling:

‘What THE HELL did you sell to me?? Not only did he NOT graze the lawn, he completely destroyed all my greenery and trees! There’s elephant dung EVERYWHERE, and it smells even inside the house! And what was that about kids?

They are TERRIFIED of the thing; it’s aggressive, massive, and scary! I cannot sleep because he trumpets ALL THE TIME. My wife has been having nightmares, and now I won’t hear the end of her bickering until I die! IT’S AWFUL, worst purchase in my life!’

The other billionaire looks at him and says:

‘Well, man, I don’t know what to say; with that attitude, you’ll never sell an elephant!’

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. – Muhammad Ali

Here are gift ideas for friends at graduation.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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