
International Joke Day ~ Friday Humor

The world celebrates International Joke Day on the 1st of July every year. It’s a day to spread some laughter and reveal how funny you are.

It officially began in the U.S. However, the first joke was attributed to the Greeks. A joke can instantly brighten any gloomy situation. Some of the benefits of laughter include:

  • Boosts the cardiovascular system
  • Diffuse anger during fights and hostile situations
  • It helps you relax your nerves
  • Boosts the immune system

There are several ways to celebrate International Joke Day with friends and family. It is an excellent time to watch a comedy act if your schedule permits. You can also tell some jokes to your loved ones or learn a new joke.

1. My friends keep calling me a joker

But no matter how many decks of cards I search through, I still can’t find my face on a single one.

2. I noticed that when I was in the office, people would always laugh at my jokes, but working from home, people never do. When I asked why they said my jokes weren’t remotely funny

3. At what frequency does laughter become painful

1 gigglehurts

4. I have a lot of unemployed people’s jokes

Sadly none of them work

5. Nobody upvotes cake day jokes anymore

I feel like I’ve been deserted

6. A man spending his first night in prison hears other inmates calling out numbers, followed by laughter.

The next day he starts talking to one of the inmates and asks about it.

The inmate explains that there were no new jokes after a few years, so they decided to number all the good ones to save time in telling the joke.

That night the inmates are calling out numbers again, followed by great bouts of laughter. Wanting to fit in, the man calls out ’22’. Everything goes quiet, and the man doesn’t understand why.

The next day he asks his new friend what went wrong, “was 22, not a funny joke?”

“22 is one of the best jokes,” came the reply.

“Why did no one laugh then?” Said the man

“It was the way you told it.”

7. I was walking down the street when a group of kids threw a block of cheese off me, they burst into laughter, and I yelled

“That’s not mature, is it”

8. There are two kinds of jokers

The ones that tell complete jokes and the ones that

9.I made a noble gas joke

sadly nobody reacted

10. A man walks into his first session with a psychiatrist. His mood is almost as dark as the room. Shades are drawn almost entirely closed with just enough light to cast shadows like a priest’s confessional stall. *Perfect*, he thinks, *this will be easier if he can’t see the tears welling in my eyes*.

The clock ticks against the silence. He sits down and breathes a heavy sigh. He wants to speak first, but he fights with the fear and the lump in his throat to say aloud the fears he has kept hidden within himself. Once the floodgates open, the emotions start pouring out like a sluice that can’t be closed.

“I…I don’t know where to begin. All my life, my father psychologically tormented me. My first memories of him were his piercing laughter as he hurt me repeatedly. It went on for so long that I never believed life could be any other way. The scars are all over my body, but I’d gladly take ten times as many wounds on my body if my mind can be healed. I just can’t let go….”

The psychiatrist leans forward out of the shadows to speak, but the man can’t stop himself.

“I tried to run away so many times. No matter what, he always found me. Even when I went to the neighbor’s house, banging on the door, somehow he knew I would be there, and he was already inside waiting for me.

He flung the door open and mockingly pretended to be glad to find me before expressing his ‘joy’ with a fresh round of beating. Once I ran to the school at night, hoping to find a teacher. There he was, in a janitor outfit, smiling at me with that sickening grin as he raised the mop to beat me senseless.”

“…I know what you’re going to say, I’m an adult now. I can stand on my own. I’m not that frightened child anymore. But don’t you understand, he *always* finds me. He will always be around the corner, no matter how far I move away. Maybe it will take him longer each time.

When I was in college, I stayed away for three years before he finally walked into my lecture, having just murdered the professor and taken his place. I told the cops, but they never believed me or found the body, so I just dropped out and ran as far as I could.”

“I know what you’re about to ask. Well, it’s been ten years, but I still can’t relax. I know he’s coming someday. Please help me, doctor, I’m desperate and at the end of my rope.”

The psychiatrist leaned forward out of the shadows and, with a huge grin on his face, shouted, “Hi, Desperate, and at the end of my rope, I’m dad!”

The truth is told in jokes – Romanian Proverb

Find out how to increase your family’s health and happiness with laughter and other things.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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