
National Let’s Laugh Day ~ Friday Humor

National Let’s Laugh Day is a day everyone looks forward to. It’s celebrated on the 19th of March in the U.S. This celebration reminds us to have a good laugh anytime we can. The sponsor of this year’s National Let’s Laugh Day is Laffy Taffy, a candy company.

History of National Let’s Laugh Day

Every year on National Let’s Laugh Day, we spice life up with some humor and make an effort to take things easy. The oldest jokes can be traced to 1900 B.C.

Today, many studies report that laughter is contagious and good for the health. If you haven’t been feeling too great, this day presents an opportunity to let things go and focus on the beauty we are surrounded with.

What better way to celebrate National Lets Laugh Day than with some jokes and puns.

1. I yelled at my girlfriend, “If you continue stealing my cooking utensils, I’ll move out!” She just laughed and said…

“That’s a whisk I’m willing to take!”

2. How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?

Ten tickles

3. My wife and I often laugh about how competitive we are.

But I laugh more

4. My coworkers laugh at my jokes in in-person meetings but never in online meetings.

When I asked them why they said my jokes weren’t remotely funny.

5. My coworkers laugh at my jokes in in-person meetings but never in online meetings.

They said that my jokes weren’t remotely funny when I asked them why.

6. Tell a man a joke, and he will laugh for a day

Tell a Redditor a joke, and he will repost it for a lifetime

7. My friends laughed at me when I said I had a hot date and said she was imaginary.

The joke is on them, though. They’re imaginary, too.

8. I made an awful joke about an axe, and no one laughed…

It wasn’t very cleaver.

9. An American woman goes to Italy on business and asks her husband what she could bring back for him.

He laughs and says, “An Italian girl!”

When she returns home, he picks her up at the airport and asks, “So, honey, how was the trip?”

“Very good,” she replies.

“And did you bring something home for me?”

“Something, did I forget?” she asks.

“The Italian girl I asked for,” he replies jokingly.

“Oh, that,” she says. “Well, I did what I could. Now we have to wait five months to see if it’s a girl.”

10. Three elderly men were relaxing on the beach in Florida.

One said, “I owned a factory in New York state. One winter, the heat didn’t come on, the pipes froze and got water everywhere, and everything was ruined. I decided I was too old to start over, so I took the insurance money, sold the place, retired, and came here.”

The second man said, “I had a big store in Philadelphia. One night, it caught fire and burned to the ground. I didn’t want to go through all the work of rebuilding, so I sold the property, took the insurance money, and moved here, too.”

The third man said, “I owned a huge car dealership in Miami. Two years ago, a hurricane blew through and destroyed everything, even the buildings. I, too, decided to take the insurance money and retire.”

His companions looked at him in awe. After a few moments of silence, one asked, “How did you start a hurricane?”

From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. — Dr. Seuss

Enjoy some more jokes here.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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