
Best Ways To Teach Healthy Habits To Your Kids

Adults know what healthy and unhealthy habits are. We know watching TV all day on a Saturday isn’t great for our bodies or minds, but kids don’t have the life experience to make that call for themselves. Every parent must find the best ways to teach healthy habits to kids.

Not only should you be modeling healthy and positive habits for your kids, but you should also be encouraging them to do more healthy things like reading, outdoor activities and exercise, and spending less time behind screens.

Let’s discuss a few healthy habits you can teach your kids while simultaneously boosting your own health and well-being.

1. Good Hygiene Practices

It’s important to let good hygiene practices, like the proper way to wash your hands or cough in public, be second nature to your kids. 2021 has taught us to be more mindful of our health, but we must ensure kids feel empowered by health-safety, not scared.

Try making teeth-brushing a fun family affair, or give special praise or recognition to anyone who comes to the table with hands washed or comes to bed with teeth brushed.

2. Make Eating Colorful

Kids love colors, and our bodies love colorful fruits and veggies to stay healthy and active. The more colorful your food, the better you are usually eating. Get the kids excited about picking out their own healthy and colorful snack food or lunch food.

When making these changes to your diet, some people experience SIBO symptoms or flu-like symptoms. At the same time, their body adjusts to the change. Don’t worry! These symptoms signify your body is flushing out toxins, and you will feel great in a day or two! Encourage them to try new things and choose the more colorful options when eating without you close by.

3. Drink Water, Not Soda

Soda is packed with sugar and has almost no hydrating qualities. In actuality, drinking more soda might give you a sugar spike but won’t do anything to keep you healthy and hydrated. In addition, the sugar spike can be the last thing parents need on a long day at home with their kids.

Encourage your kids to drink water, not soda, by drinking water yourself. If water is too wholesome (aka boring) for you, jazz it up with healthy water flavors – but don’t add back in the sugar!

4. Pick Enjoyable Physical Activities

The more active your kids are during the day, the more likely they are to eat what you feed them and sleep at bedtime. This is also a great way to bond with your kids and get some exercise yourself! 

Plan fun outings like hikes, swimming, walking the dog, or even try a bounce or trampoline center for an extra work-out and some extra excitement. For daily activities, try starting a garden with your kids, and devote time each day to tending to your future colorful dinners and sides.

5. Involve your Kids in the Cooking Process

Getting your kids involved with the cooking process is a great way to get them to take ownership of their health. Make shopping into a game, where each person chooses a healthy and colorful food option for a rainbow meal.

Or teach the kids how to steam or boil their veggies for an even more nutritious option. Adopting this type of routine will teach your kids the value of making healthy choices later in life.

6. Limit Highly-Processed Foods

Kids and adults love processed foods like hot dogs, lunch meats, and chips. But sadly, as cheap and easy as these options might be, not to mention delicious, there are simply no nutrients in them. But your kids love this type of stuff – so don’t cut it out entirely!

Use processed foods as a backup or occasional reward for consistent healthy eating. It’s critical to understand that not allowing your kids access to something will make them even more fixated on it. Teach them how to make intelligent and balanced choices while they are still young!

Your children’s health should be your first priority, and adopting these easy habits will ensure kids are set up to make good choices in their later lives. Make the journey with your kids toward more healthy living and eating habits with the little ones you love for longer life.

About the author

About the author

Tara Heath is a journalist and mother in Southern California. She knows how difficult it can be to have open communication with your children and loves sharing her parenting knowledge with others. For more, follow her on Twitter!

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  1. These are all wonderful tips for letting kids become more responsible with their health. I especially love the tip about cooking with your kids! What a fun way to engage them while still teaching them a valuable life lesson.

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