
How To Help Your Wife During Postpartum

The postpartum period falls within the first six weeks following childbirth. It’s during this time you will go for a post-delivery checkup with your wife and bond with the baby. You will also need tips on how to help your wife during postpartum.

Despite being a joyous time, it might come with some challenges for the mother. So how do you help your wife during postpartum? We have shared some tips below.

To Make Her Sleep

As parents, taking care of the baby will leave you exhausted. However, most of the time, it’s mums who end up losing sleep since the baby might wake up any time. During the early months, most babies will wake up four to five times a night.

Though you will suffer together, encourage the mother to rest whenever they can. Feeding the baby through the night and putting them to sleep can be exhausting. Still, you will do a lot of work during the day, but encourage your wife always to get enough rest.

Cook for Her

Maybe you are not a perfect cook, but you can help the mother in the kitchen. Make breakfast and cook dinner so the mother has enough time with her baby. It’s advisable to ensure she takes at least three healthy meals each day.

Protein is great because it will keep her full for a long time while stabilizing her blood sugar. Don’t forget to include some greens, seeds, and nuts.

Remind her to drink a lot of water to keep the body functioning at all times. Encourage the mother to avoid too much processed foods as they will leave her feeling tired.

Give Her Massage

One of the tips to help your wife during postpartum is to give her a massage often since she will spend more time sitting with the baby. Though enough sleep might make the mother feel rested, she also needs a massage. Again, a therapist will know the right muscles to target.

It’s okay if you feel that visiting a massage therapist is financially burdening. However, you can still spare a few minutes each day to give her a good massage. If you make it a routine, she will get stronger and won’t develop physical and mental complications.

Always Listen

Your wife will go through hormonal shifts and might have depression. Therefore, it’s imperative always to be there and listen to all her emotional needs.

Unless you do that, stress will kick in, and the baby’s health might deteriorate. Research states that one in ten women suffers from postpartum depression.

To protect the mother from depression, don’t spend too much time away from her and the baby. Even at work, give her regular calls to see how they are doing.

Regardless of what she has to tell you, be a good listener. Also, you can get her a nice present as a pink diaper bag backpack.

Always Be Ready

Have you ever been around a mother before? Whether you answered yes or no, there are many things you should be ready for. Babies are different, and mothers can have varying encounters after having a baby, so be prepared.

Sometimes, the baby will show signs of health deterioration. As the person in charge, you must know what to do in case that happens.

One of the best ways to get ready is to have the contacts of the nearest health facilities. Please, contact them each time they need your attention.

Finally, the best thing you can do is ask your wife to leave the house periodically to get some fresh air outside. Make sure you spend more time with the mother and the child and respond to their emotional needs.

If anything goes wrong, you must respond as quickly as possible to get the situation under control. Being a first-time dad can come with a few challenges. Click here to read this guide for new dads.

About the author

About the author

Lizzie Howard is a Colorado native who after graduating from the University of Colorado spends her time as a freelance writer. When Lizzie isn’t writing, she enjoys going on hikes, baking for her friends and family, and spending time with her beloved yellow lab, Sparky.

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