
Five Ways To Make Lasting Family Moments

While some dread family gatherings, the truth is, this is a joyous occasion for most people with so much to look forward to. Many families will find different ways to make lasting family moments.

The chances are these are very dear people who you don’t see every day. This is why it’s an amazing opportunity for you to catch up and document these gatherings

One thing you could do to make it even more special is to record your family-gathering moments. Here are five ways to make lasting family moments.

1. Record the Event

While taking photos of the event is probably the first thing that comes to mind, photography cannot capture everything. Your family members’ voices and gestures can only be preserved on a tape and in your memory.

Years from now, you will feel very grateful you decided to record this. Keep in mind it’s not just for you but for future generations as well. Of course, the way you’re editing also makes a world of difference. It’s up to you to pick a theme.

2. Write it Down

You want to preserve more than just an event. What you want to keep is an emotion, and one of the best ways to do so is to transfer it on paper. If you are creative and have an aptitude for writing, making a short essay on the family gathering and your impression of it can be quite an interesting experiment.

You can also post this on your blog or share it with other family members to keep a memento. Having an insight into your own emotional life and impressions of your family can help bring you all closer together.

3. Take Photos

Taking photographs of a family gathering is a pretty big deal. Of course, you want a massive group photo, but there are other things you may want to do, as well. For instance, you could make a scrapbook with portraits of every single individual in the photo.

Keep in mind these are much less formal than corporate headshots, which is why silly faces and even portraits taken on a masquerade will do. Overall, you have the freedom to customize this process in whatever way you see fit.

Also, keep in mind your family members won’t be there forever. So, if one of them is absent from the next gathering, their portrait can serve as their visual representation.

4. Make a Family Tree

For those who have particularly large family gatherings, you can use this opportunity to take a photo of everyone and then arrange it into a proper family tree. Printing this one out is one of the best ways to introduce some of the youngest members of your family to distant relatives.

It’s also a handy learning material to use when teaching your kids about family relations. Then, use these images to create a proper family tree on a wall or a board somewhere in your family home.

Ways to make lasting family moments- Family having dinner

5. Organize a Mutual Event

You don’t have to have a sit-down to make a memorable family event. Instead, you can go on a vacation, enroll in a course together or even do something constructive together, like plant a garden. This way, you will have some memories, photographs, and even results to see as a memento of this encounter.

For instance, gathering your immediate family to plant a tree will remind you of this event every time you walk past it or sit in its shade. There’s a myriad of similar ideas worth exploring.

Lastly, it all comes down to your artistic skills, talents, and preferences. Also, keep in mind you’re not just making these records for yourself but also for future generations.

You want your children and your grandchildren to see what some of these gatherings were like. It is a time capsule you might not even be there to open. Make sure it’s worth their wait.

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About the author

About the author

Leo King is a 28-year-old freelance English teacher and a passionate part-time writer. He is a novel aficionado and interested in reading and writing articles about home improvement, business, fashion, health, marketing, web designing, technology, and related niches. He lives with his wife and family in Sydney. Here is his Twitter.

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